An impassioned Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) slammed the Obama administration’s efforts to close Guantanamo Bay, and made his own thoughts on the matter quite clear during a Senate Armed Services hearing this morning…
“In my opinion, the only problem with Guantanamo Bay is that there are too many empty beds and cells there right now,” Cotton said to Brian McKeon, principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy. “We should be sending more terrorists there for further interrogation to keep this country safe.”
“As far as I’m concerned, every last one of them can rot in Hell,” he added. “But as long as they don’t do that, they can rot in Guantanamo Bay.”
The Youngest was deployed in the Pech Valley in Afghanistan fighting some of these folks’ brethren (both by family and by ideology) with the 101st. He was at the tip of the spear. In keeping with GraniteGrok’s Rule #1, I cannot quote him directly – I’d have to ban myself. It should be clear that he agrees with this former US Army captain
(H/T: The Corner)