Yup, just keep on doing whatcha doin’, change nothing, and I’d be pleased


Democrat Governor AssociationThe post title summarizes it well:

Dem Governors respond to 2014 drubbing: We’re not changing a thing

…Shumlin is right, however, that Obama’s job approval ratings have rebounded slightly. That should be cold comfort for Democrats. According to the Democratic Party “autopsy” released this week, the president’s party has lost 13 Senate seats, 69 House seats, and 11 governorships since the president took office in 2009. I would add that the party has also lost control of 32 of the nation’s 99 legislative chambers (the party entered 2009 with control of 62 chambers and will end 2016 with control over just 30).

It was less about governors. It was very much about the national wave against Democrats,” Delaware Gov. Jack Markell added, essentially repeating up his Vermont colleague’s blame shifting.

Yup, don’t change a thing.  Period. Forget about that “All politics is local” saying that former (and late) Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil used to say.  Just keep on truckin’

…This all sounds more like spin than an honest appraisal of the Democratic Party’s position. The president’s party is not looking at the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race from 2014, where former incumbent Republican Gov. Tom Corbett hadn’t outpolled his Democratic opponent in any survey since March of 2013, as a model for the nation.

And the “autopsy” seems to take a more serious look at the party’s two midterm drubbings and issue more sober recommendations for the road ahead. The document recommends that Democrats “create a values based narrative” that will be crafted by a National Narrative Project. It also suggests that Democrats should nationalize state-level elections and create task forces that work with state parties to standardize the training of volunteers and staffers.

It’s not about the facts, it’s all about what you want story to say.  Like out of whole cloth (oops, sorry, can’t be that – they’ve already taxed quite a bit of it away).  And true to form, it isn’t about the local stuff that Governors SHOULD be working on, but keep on yapping about the Top Down Control issues.  Sure, somethings ARE national – but not all.  I think the Dems would be rather mistaken to take this route, but hey, they aren’t going to listen to me (dang it, ’cause I’d have a lot more things to have them adopt – and that could be a lot of fun).

But blaming it on The Other is always a great way to shirk one’s short comings, eh?  Especially about the money where the TOTAL spending showed Dems to have the edge – but that’s part of that Narrative thing, too:

Democrats contend that they have been outspent and outmaneuvered by Republicans as a result of the gradual dismemberment of the McCain-Feingold restrictions on campaign finance. “Republicans, in many cases, have been quick to respond to these changes and take advantage of this new moneyed and murky environment,” the report read.  Finally, the party will also focus on “expanding the right to vote,” which presumably entails promoting the narrative that contends minorities are disenfranchised by voter identification laws despite any evidence that reinforces this contention.

All this sounds nothing like what Democratic governors contend, that their party does not need to embrace any reforms beyond distancing themselves from an unpopular president. Now, when the party fails to live up to the goals it sets for itself in its “autopsy,” surely the media will perform a series of handwringing post-mortems questioning the future viability of the party… right?

Oh yeah, and the TEA Party is racist, homophobic, hates women, hates the poor, loves to kill little children with their scary guns, and can’t lose their clinginess to that silly religion stuff too.

But they still Fear us.

(H/T: Hot Air)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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