And it trickles down. Here I mention a few examples with the meme that once our “leaders” start disregarding The Rule of Law, it will spread – both horizontally and vertically. After all, if leaders can ignore it, why not the rest of us? In that previous post, it was clear that it was for ideological reasons – politics trumping The Law. Here, I just don’t get it – vandalism on a memorial dedicated to police that died in the line of duty – in front of other police just standing around ordered by their superiors to do NOTHING:
[On Saturday, February 14,] approximately 100 to 200 people marched down Colfax Avenue from Lincoln Park to the Denver Police Department headquarters located at 1331 Cherokee Street. . . .Denver police say some protesters poured red paint over the memorial dedicated to fallen police officers. The memorial is located in front of Denver police headquarters and lists the names of police officers who have died in the line of duty.
[Denver Police Union President Nick] Rogers spoke exclusively to CBS4’s [Lauren] DiSpirito following the incident. He said officers monitoring the protest were told by their superiors to not to interfere and to let the vandalism happen.
Thanks to the Progressives pushing the anti-cop movement (Obama, Holder, Sharpton being the most visible but lots of others in the background), it is spreading. What does it say when “political correctness crowd control” basically includes denigrating and besmirching those that gave their lives in upholding the law? The message sent is starting to be “Welcome Anarchists!” and that has always ended badly in history as the Rule of Law has been our buttress against Strong Man Rule. Once that model is broken, all hell can and may well be coming. Is that really what Progressives want? Probably – I cannot think of any other reason why to let vandals just be….vandals. Go ahead, attack anything that says “tradition and reverence”.
Perhaps. Obama did say he wanted to transform American Society and is of the mind set of never wasting a crisis.