Do More “Cops” Mean More “Safety” ?

Steve MacDonald

Sometimes low hanging fruit yields interesting follow ups: Saturday I posted a tweet from @GraniteGrandma (Mary Gagnon).  She says that only the police should have guns.  I said Stalin would agree with her.  She responded to that with this.

So is it?  A safety issue?

There is a safety issue, but GraniteGrandma is not going to like it.

If we’re talking cities, Washington DC has significantly more armed police per capita than any place in America, and their crime rates have been some of the worst in the nation.  And DC is regularly awarded the least best place for a private-citizen gun-owner in America even after the Supreme Court told the city they were violating their citizens second amendment rights.

More armed cops, almost no right to self defense, and high crime?  @GraniteGrandma’s thesis torn to shreds in the bowels of the Progressive mother ship itself.

I also looked at police officers per capita (state and local law enforcement) for the five safest and five most dangerous states in the US, and guess what?  The most recent comparable data showed that those five most dangerous states in the US averaged 42% more police officers per capita than the safest.

It’s not so much an indictment as an observation.

More armed domestic government employees does not necessarily equal more safety.  What does?

New Hampshire and Vermont are the top two safest states and both have below average officers per capita. Vermont has one of the lowest numbers of officers per capita in the country.  New Hampshire has shall issue concealed carry laws and Vermont allows constitutional carry.

In the parlance of the left, they’ve probably got more concealed-carrying gun-nuts per capita.  So shouldn’t they be the most dangerous?  Why are they then the safest?

Not and indictment, just an observation.

“Just cops” with guns (as in DC) equals more crime, which means we are less safe.  More law-abiding citizens with guns has created two of the safest states in the country, year after year.

Someone should tell paid progressive lobbyist Zandra Rice Hawkins that this probably means they have fewer ‘shoot-outs.’



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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