Ah yes, Socialism – the politics of envy. Especially on a $1 Billion superyacht

by Skip

Having come from a family background where my father was a Captain of deep sea tuna boat out of Cohassett, MA, I have always loved boat (sadly, not so much TMEW; I have yet to obtain one living within a few (ok, many more than a few) stone throws from the Big Lake).  So when big beautiful boats come up for viewing, I love it.  Sure, they cost from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions and I’ll never afford a single one of them.  But I can appreciate them – and without a single twitch of envy that I can’t.  So when CNN had this story about the BIGGEST superyacht EVAH, I was intrigued.  Then got depressed because, well, no pictures.  Nothing to oogle and ah about.  But one thing caught my eye (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Yet in a global climate of “haves and have-nots,” is it morally justifiable to spend $1 billion on a private yacht catering for 36 guests?

“To be honest, what ordinary mortals think is ‘moral,’ is not actually relevant to these people,” said Kampfner.

“You have to understand that we’re not talking about the top 1% — in this instance we’re talking about the 0.01%. This is a tiny group who live in their own bubble, they mix only among themselves.”

Now, if you didn’t know it, CNN is rather Leftist and certainly Sheena McKenzie let it show, didn’t she…

The Progressive mantra (er, at least one of them) is the Political is the Personal, the Personal is the Political.  Which means EVERYTHING must be seen through the lens of politics and given the Left slant of CNN, well, it figures.  And given that Socialism is merely slow Communism, well, the lens of Class Warfare has to be brought into it as well;


The guy has the money – he should have the freedom to spend it the way he wants without this Jr. SJW saying “Er, shouldn’t that be better spent?”  Even the guy she was interviewing took umbrage at that, talking about how many people were going to be employed for how many years to build this monster big boat.  To answer the question – YES, it IS moral and if you don’t like it, avert your Green Eyes of Envy elsewhere.

And I will also tell you that you have a black heart – the very thought of someone have far more than you seems to have you saying “you shouldn’t have that”.

This is journalism of the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How School?  Or just the “Narrative” school where the small jabs of Leftism is injected into place where it pretty much doesn’t belong?  As Laura Ingraham’s book says “Shut up and Sing” – stop the moralizing and just do what we’re paying you to do.  Stop politicizing the “performance” and just let it be.




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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