From this morning’s GrokTALK! – cheating in an Ethics class?


Yes, I caught this right at the beginning of the show – you just can’t make this stuff up and just another anecdote that shows we’ve been pulling out too many bricks out of “the Civil Society wall”, leading to its tottering.  What would you expect when the Secularists and the Left had changed the culture from a solid moral absolutist code (er, wrong is WRONG!) to one of moral relativism?

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: “As many as 64 Dartmouth College students — including some athletes — could face suspension or other disciplinary measures for cheating in an ethics class this past fall.” I love that it was an ethics class. . . .

Yet, these are the same folks that believe when THEY say “No is NO” it will be obeyed by over-hormone college kids even as they spent the last 50 years redefining sexual conduct from that contained within marriage to the Hookup Generation?  Redefine roles, redefine morals – the outcome is predictable.  The juicy bit of the story:

…Dartmouth officials said students implicated in the cheating scandal misrepresented their attendance and participation in the undergraduate course, “Sports, Ethics & Religion.”

The class used electronic hand-held “clickers,” registered to individual students, to answer in-class questions. Officials at the Hanover, N.H., college said the students charged with cheating either gave their clickers to classmates instead of attending class themselves, or helped others cheat by using the clickers to answer questions on their behalf.

Some of the students have been found in violation of the school’s honor code and have been told they will be suspended for one term, a college official with knowledge of the proceedings said.

Administrators were alerted to the possible cheating after the professor, Randall Balmer, chairman of the religion department, noticed that the electronic system was receiving a significantly higher number of responses than the number of students he could see sitting in front of him in the lecture hall.

Balmer said the irony of the situation — alleged cheating in an ethics-related course — is inescapable, and he called the matter “very sad and regrettable on many levels.”…

I am also reminded that it is the Progressives / Socialist that are pushing to remove the word “stigma” from common parlance and acceptance – there seemingly should be NO stigma in life…

…unless one is a white middle aged Evangelical who stands by the Constitution, especially that part about Due Process, Free Speech, and that gun thingy part.  You know, those folks that Obama called “bitter clingers”.  Them?  Open season.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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