Which do you celebrate – Life, or Murder? Your tax monies used for abortion


Certainly, the innocent babies have no choice – this is a clear evidence of fact.  Their well being, their life, is in the hands of their mother.  I ran across both of these pretty much at the same time – a juxtaposition of fighting FOR Life and a celebration OF Death.  This amongst an anecdotal study that college students are becoming more open to “post-birth” abortions and Belgium’s willingness to “euthanize” a serial killer (rather than have the courage to say “death penalty”).

A society that embraces Life or is turning to an ethos of Death?  Truth, or hiding behind the manipulation of language?  On the Death side, we see that NARAL, the most pro-baby killer organization outside of Planned Parenthhod, absolutely giddy with celebration of the Supreme Court decision that allowed Gosnell in Philly not only kill the unborn but the partial born and a couple of their mothers:

Our 2015 Champion of Choice is Executive Councilor Colin Van Ostern! Councilor Van Ostern led the effort to successfully restore Title X funding to six health centers across the state which serve thousands of NH women and families

Such a thing to be known as a Champion of Death.  Do ya think part of the reason why the Republicans now control the Executive Council, voting in revulsion against this cult of Death?  So who DOES stand up “for the children”, no matter their developmental state?  One who does is ‘Grok friend Jane Cormier  (President of NH Right To Life) who submitted this for us to post:

nhrtl-logoThe incredible power and influence of the abortion lobby in federal and state politics is nothing short of astounding. Hundreds of millions of dollars flow to support the abortion cause which masquerades as “women’s health care” in our cities and states. New Hampshire is no exception to the rule.

Here is an example for you. Planned Parenthood of New England in 2012 launched a $500,000 “Action Fund” to provide support for Maggie Hassan’s gubernatorial campaign. In 2014, Planned Parenthood supported Hassan to the tune of over $400,000 to ensure her re-election. It is also interesting to note, Gov. Hassan’s 2012 budget TRIPLED the funding for Planned Parenthood in NH. Hmmm…

Emily’s List, which drives the progressive abortion industry, has funded abortion to the tune of $400,000,000 by financially supporting Pro Abortion candidates throughout the country. Their website reads, “Our pro-choice Democratic women in the House and Senate have successfully blocked the backwards anti-woman agenda of the Republican Party…Our EMILY’s List political team is constantly traveling the country to put our members’ investments to work…and we know how to win…” And, indeed they do.

All NH Progressive representatives, Hassan, Porter, and Kuster are beneficiaries of Emily’s List. Senator Jeanne Shaheen ALONE has received almost $239,000 from Emily’s List. And, the Progressives want to ensure YOUR tax dollars will continue flowing toward the abortion industry under the canard of “women’s health care”.

In 2011, Sen. Shaheen subverted the vote of the NH Executive Council when the council voted to STOP taxpayer funding of abortion here in NH. What did Shaheen do? She ran to Washington, disregarded the will of the people, and brought millions of dollars of federal funding to NH, in support of Planned Parenthood of New England. She did a total run around our elected officials who voted NO to funding Planned Parenthood. So, the question begs, just WHO does Jeanne Shaheen support? Certainly NOT the NH taxpayer. Of that, you can be sure!

The truth is, more and more women are beginning to see the proverbial forest through the trees. More than 73 abortion clinics have recently closed in the country. And while there seems to be fewer “customers” for Planned Parenthood abortions these days, more and more of our tax dollars are still flowing to support these PRIVATE companies. Why should our hard-earned tax dollars go to support the PRIVATE business of abortion? Especially since so many citizens are morally against the killing of human life?

The Progressives will tell you it is all about “access”. Not so. It is all about PRIVATE business funding their own PRIVATE endeavors. The fact is, NO Planned Parenthood facilities in New England offer mammograms. Zip, Zero, NADA. And most PP facilities, do not offer clinical services for pap smears and blood work as they mostly just farm this work out. In reality, Planned Parenthood facilities are just PRIVATE BUSINESS “abortion machines”. So, why should we, the American taxpayer, fund them? The very simple answer is – WE SHOULD NOT!

Rep. Warren Groen, Rochester, is introducing a bill that would prohibit the use of public funds for abortion services. While he is being vilified by the left as some sort of woman-hater, I personally want to thank Rep. Groen for standing up for LIFE. I thank him for having the conviction and courage to face the Leftists who think we are fooled by the “women’s healthcare” canard. I will happily stand with Rep. Groen when his bill comes before the NH House of Representatives. I ask that you stand as well!

We need to STOP NH taxpayer funding of abortion. It is time to DE-FUND the Hassan/Shaheen Abortion Machine. It is just the right thing to do.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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