How does a Progressive transform a culture? With a smile on its face.


And Obama has SUCH a nice smile, doesn’t he?  Benjamin Weingarten has a short explanation:

It can be said that progressivism at its core seeks to turn the world upside down.

It is an ideology and a tactic of modern-day Sophists who seek to replace facts with narrative, justice with injustice, morality with immorality and virtue with vice — but it does so with a smile on its face.

Consequently, in order to identify whether one is in fact living in a progressive Utopia, one merely needs to identify instances in one’s society, economy and political system, themselves a natural outgrowth of the culture (itself an outgrowth of the ideas that a people has imbibed), in which facts, logic and history have been shoved aside in favor of the whims of the wise collective.

Most conservatives have had that feeling that down is up, right is wrong, decency is bad, and normality is now only for “Extremists”.   Lawless in the aim for the common good is supreme and individualism is hated as selfishness.  Belief in God is held up to be backward and superstitious and that such “morals setting” should only be within one’s private residence (and sometimes not even then).  Charity is not something a person can do does as only Government can do good things for us all – after all, the Democrats tell us that “Government is the only thing we all belong to” and they do mean belong to. Self-responsibility is passe – Government will take care of you.  And if you believe that our political foundation is the Constitution and its values, well, you must be demonized, marginalized, and soon, destroyed.

Of course we see this – for the only way that Progressives can “win the culture, win the political” is to change the culture, to change the norms”. Remove the cultural moorings – get people “adrift”.

What they won’t say is that to do so is to follow through and make true the alarm that the late Democrat Senator Moynihan issued: “Defining Deviancy Down”  – that which used to be verboten and not even talked about in civil society has now become, not just celebrated, but affirmation of such is now demanded.  Soon, it shall be required.  Such is Progressivism.

Obama has SUCH a nice smile, doesn’t he?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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