NH House Speaker’s Race Has “Sununu Disaster” Written All over It.

Steve MacDonald

Sununu Gnome 2.0New Hampshire establishment Republicans hew to one principle and only one. How do we keep the DC money spigot open and how do we keep the first in the nation primary. (Is that two principles?)  Nothing else matters to them. They will abandon their platform, its principles, and any candidate that dares espouse them, for money and the perception of influence.

This may well be how we ended up with a Democrat elected Speaker of a Republican majority House.

Whenever a conservative or Libertarian presents a threat to hold a prominent public office or could potentially wield influence, establishment Republicans try to derail them. Scott Brown and Walt Havenstein were forced on us from out of the blue (literally). Why?

Establishment money and influence. The trail of DC bread crumbs.

The check writers, we are always told, will stop writing checks if ‘we’ allow so and so to be this or that. And I would not be surprised if the national party has not, on occasion, threatened New Hampshire’s First in the nation primary status to get state Party leaders who forget their place and get excited about swells coming up from the grassroots, to dance to their tune.

But don’t mistake these establishment pawns for victims, they like the tune, and the dance. And when it comes to this year’s race for speaker, I think they danced.

A cast of notable Republicans, all of whom have been lured to the dark side of the GOP, came out publicly against Bill O’Brien.

I’d bet establishment money that Sununu/Ayotte and company made the rounds claiming the DC money didn’t want O’Brien. Conversations were had, chess pieces moved, all to ensure that the conservative/libertarian activists did not get control of the NH House.

Whether Shawn Jasper went to them or the other way around, does not matter. Someone allowed it to unfold, may have aided and abetted it, and the end result was a significant political victory for Democrats just weeks after getting their hats handed to them in the general election. The minority Democrats in the majority Republican NH House chose the speaker.

This has Sununu disaster written all over it.

The perception is that just as Republicans like John Sununu aided and abetted the Left’s agenda with tax increases and a Supreme Court appointment back there in the first Bush Administration, so now are there Establishment Republicans all-too asleep-at-the-switch and ready to timidly do the same thing. 

Implications that sitting centrist NH State Senators (who rely on party money to win races) may have been  willing or corralled into calling NH House reps about not voting for O’Brien is not a far-fetched notion.

I have been told that several House Reps spoke to at least two of our bloggers to confirm they were called.

The Party narrative on that is to infer that it wasn’t them. Someone else called those reps. But it was them, even if they never picked up a phone or shook a hand in some quiet corner. The entire culture among the state Republican party leadership and their fellow travelers in New Hampshire is predicated on money and the perception of national party importance. They will sacrifice anything or anyone to maintain that, including the state of New Hampshire and the will of her citizens.

This idea informs their tolerance for Democrats in Republican clothing. It feeds the narrative mules that carry the Democrat anti-tea party anti-libertarian rhetoric. It surrounds them, defines them, and controls them.  Anything is acceptable as long as we keep our Potemkin primary, and the parade of presidential possibles and their aides, consultants, and the national media continue to pour across our  borders every few years for a RINO and Pony show.

The NHGOP is happy to be the political equivalent of Kim Kardashian. Devoid of any real talent or cultural value, devoid of principle or purpose, but “successful” in that they are famous for being famous. Seen with famous people. Invited to party with the brightest bulbs in the pack, political luminaries whose low-wattage principles only barely outshine their own.

This is where we have been for some time and will continue to be unless we can burn down the NHGOP’s wooden marionettes, those made to dance by the unprincipled outside interests who pull their strings.

The NHGOP is an institution like any other, as prone to corruption by a powerful few as is any other association of human invention.  Left unchecked it will inevitably devolve into an exercise in tyranny, controlled by a despotic oligarchy that will brook no interference from principled interlopers.  If we do not stand up to them they will push out anyone who tries to stand on principle, one by one, until there is no one left they do not own, or who does not owe them. 

We have long held false Republican gods before us in New Hampshire. If we do not cast them aside, New Hampshire will find its only distinctive difference from the rest of the northeast (if this is not already the case) is that every four years, for some reason or other, Republican presidential candidates allow their campaigns to be forged on an anvil in a state that they have no hope of winning, or even needing, if they actually want to be president some day.

And as for those of us who actually live here–as opposed to those that the same NHGOP allows to vote here as if they live here–we’ll still get to shake the hands of the GOP’s prize herd animals (as well as the occasional principled interloper) and a chance at some national media attention, along with higher taxes, and a ringside seat as all the progressives pick up their tools and march off to Concord to whittle away at our rights to assembly, speech, and self-defense, while somewhere in a dark alley, an idea wearing a Live Free or Die sweatshirt with a copy of the NHGOP platform clutched in one hand and the NH Constitution in the other, bleeds out in a cold dark alley with a knife in its back.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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