DMV License Plate Policy Will Get Reviewed

Steve MacDonald

NH-Liquor-Store-SignWednesday I had some fun with the NH DMV over their giving advance notice to Portsmouth business owner David Adams about his BEERBUS vanity plate.  The DMV told him it would not be renewed because it promotes intoxicants, but NH has giant signs all over the state promoting state liquor stores.

Well it looks like the policy will be reviewed in January…

(Seacoast online) When the JLCAR meets in January, Adams said, it is expected to consider changing the language in the rules governing vanity plates to instead ban all references to “illegal intoxicants.” In the meantime, he’s been told, he still can’t get new license plates that say anything about beer and the BEERBUS plate he already has would be denied for renewal.

This story posted before I wrote my original so we’re not taking any credit for the decision to review it, just providing the followup.  (I am registered and get a daily email but I don’t subscribe at so I am limited to a handful of online views a month.  I prefer to save those for links readers provide so I can see what they wanted to share.)

As for the rules change, adding the word “illegal” to the policy is a sound, simple enough solution for the time being.  And it resolves the obvious hypocrisy of refusing Mr. Adams his vanity plate in a state littered with giant road signs pimping it’s Liquor stores, including the big shiny remodeled Liquor store/rest areas you can only get to and from in a car, on Route 93.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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