This time from the Union Leader (reformatted, emphasis mine):
CONCORD — To head off “some interesting shenanigans going on,” House Speaker Shawn Jasper officially named Rep. Jack Flanagan of Brookline as House Majority Leader Friday, and Rep. Steve Shurtleff of Concord Democratic Leader. Supporters of former speaker Bill O’Brien who lost the speaker’s race to Jasper Wednesday, has called a “GOP Caucus” Tuesday to elect the Republican Leader for the House
“Whatever this group plans on doing,” Jasper said Friday, “frankly we’re just not interested.”
Uh-huh. I think a decent translation of that is “My way – there is no highway“. Isn’t that the exact same thing he accused Bill O’Brien of – being an authoritarian supreme? And, oh, by the way, didn’t Bill O’Brien allow the majority caucus to elect its OWN Majority leader? I guess Democrat appointed Speaker Shawn Jasper must have an issue with that whole secret ballot thingie, eh?
But, hey look, you say, he allowed the minority caucus, the Democrats, to elect their OWN leader, didn’t he
So it was OK for the Democrats, Mr. “Republican Speaker” to vote and elect their own leader but not for the Republicans to do the same? What is your reasoning behind that? Or is it that you don’t trust your own caucus?
Oh, back to Jack Flanagan (would this make him the Democrat appointed Majority Leader, seeing that the Speaker who just gave him this job is the Democrat appointed Speaker?) – is this a little bit of the “Royal WE” creeping in already?
Flanagan served two terms on the House Labor committee and is a former Brookline selectman.
“I am looking forward to working with my caucus to set the agenda for the upcoming session,” Flanagan said. “There is no question that the economy, job creation and healthcare are at the forefront of what the people of the state are most concerned.”
It seems that my caucus (remember, HIS wording, not mine) isn’t cottoning to being my caucus if they are going off site to elect THEIR representative to be on the NH GOP Executive Board, per the present By-Laws.
Oh, look who else piped up – the power behind the podium – the person that put the Democrat appointed Speaker of the House Shawn Jasper to that seat (that would be minority caucus elected now Minority Leader Steve “Deputy Dawg” Shurtleff:
Shurtleff, who was the Democrats’ choice for speaker, is serving his sixth term in the House, the last two years as Majority Leader when Democrats held the majority.
“I look forward to working together with Speaker Jasper for the good of the state and in the best interest of the people of New Hampshire,” said Shurtleff. “I am confident that, under Speaker Jasper, there will be a continuation of the civility, collegiality and respect for the institution that we hold so dear.”
Look who is patting who here….
Jasper praised Chandler and said he is pleased he has agreed to join his leadership team.
“His vast experience and knowledge as both a former speaker and Republican leader will be invaluable to our caucus as we move forward,” Jasper said. “He is extremely well respected by Democrats and Republicans alike and I intend to seek his counsel on many issues.”
Rep. Chandler is entering his 17th term in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, serving as speaker from 2000 to 2004.
“I look forward to the opportunity to help mend some fences among our caucus,” said Chandler. “It is important that we as Republicans unite and come together to work for the betterment of the people of New Hampshire.”
Jasper intends to announce the remainder of his leadership team Wednesday including committee chairs and vice chairs.