Some sad news from ‘Grok friend (and personal friend) DCE over at Weekend Pundit:
Normally I start my Sunday post with some reference to the goings on around The Manse or in our town, usually covering something mundane or mildly humorous. But I can’t this time. You see, my father – the infamous Weekend Pundit Dad – passed away Friday morning. His passing was not an unexpected event seeing as he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma. He was given two to three months before the cancer would kill him. It took a little over three weeks.
I love you, Dad.
I had the pleasure of meeting his Dad several years ago at the public sessions held in Town when voters approved or changed the town’s budget for the upcoming year – a thoughtful person who had deep roots of conviction as to what was right and wrong and always had a ready smile. He and I got along fairly well.
Godspeed, sir, and our prayers go out to Chan and his family.