Teacher attitudes towards Parents -more on “the kids are OUR kids, not yours”


Government is what we pay for, to alienate our kids from us?

SchoolhouseIs this the Proper Role of Government and OUR employees?  Yes, another case of our public servants decreeing that they are our Public Masters; from The Blaze (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Cassidy Vines was so horrified by what a teacher in Texas allegedly told her that she is planning on home-schooling her daughter after Christmas break. Vines told Glenn Beck on Monday that she recently began noticing a change in her daughter’s behavior. Her daughter — who is in kindergarten — started to “snap” at her when she corrected her homework, saying “I’m her mommy, not her teacher.”  Vines said a few days after her daughter first snapped at her, she started pronouncing a word incorrectly. Vines corrected her daughter “in the most gentle way possible,” but she said her daughter broke down crying, saying “that’s how she was taught, and I can’t tell her something different because I’m a mommy, not a teacher.”  Vines said she was horrified and asked, “Is somebody telling you this at school?”

“She said, ‘Yes, I’m only allowed to learn from my teacher,’” Vines remarked.

Yeah, I got that from my kids when they were in school, too – and trust me, having two STEM degrees, I knew the subject matter in which I was trying to help my kids far better than the teachers did.  “THIS is the way my teacher wants me to do it!”; tough noogies – I’m your Dad and until you do it this way (which you WILL see is simpler, faster, and less prone for mistakes), you aren’t moving from chair”.   As a blogger, I have remarked upon this multiple times before: Teachers, more and more, believe our kids are THEIRS, and like little Jonathan Grubers, think we parents are too stupid to know enough on helping our kids. Another avenue of “fundamental transformation” of “liberating” our children from traditional mores and family responsibility.  The story continues – and it gets worse:

Vines requested to meet with the teacher several times, but said she never got a response. So she went to her routine parent-teacher conference “armed with a slew of questions,” hoping her daughter had misunderstood what was being said at school.  “I was prepared to listen to what the teacher had to say, just in case my daughter was maybe stretching the truth a bit,” Vines said. “I kept that in the back of my mind to bring up with the teacher, but I was more concerned at the time with her new attitude that she brought home from school.”

Vines said she explained what was happening, and kept waiting for the teacher to deny it, but it never happened.

No, it wouldn’t either.  Teachers aren’t hiding it anymore – and those that do disagree with that aren’t saying much publicly.

“[The teacher] goes on to tell me that they try to discourage parents from introducing contradictory concepts to ‘our’ children,” Vines said. “Our children. As in the school’s children? I was a little baffled. And so when I started talking about my daughter, I emphasized my daughter. So I asked her, ‘Am I not allowed to help her with her homework?’”  Vines was shocked when the teacher allegedly responded that they “don’t want parents confusing the kids.”

Right – WE are your betters; we know what is better for your kids than you do.  But remember, you have to pay us more and more at contract renewal time for us dissing you.  And you will like it. Because “its for our the children“.  And then you have to wonder why school materials stay in school and the kids are told to ignore their parents?  Yeah, another example

Vines wrote on Glenn Beck’s Facebook wall about the incident, sharing how, in the same parent-teacher conference, the teacher allegedly said the pilgrims were “essentially America’s first terrorists.”

So, a card carrying member of a teachers’ union AND the Blame America First Crew, eh?  I can just GUESS as to how her Thanksgiving Day lesson plan reads.  This is another way of alienating our kids – from their country and our traditions.  How can you stand for your country when all that is taught is that it has been evil right from the get-go?  It also shows a propensity of using today’s outlook to judge (unfairly) the times in the past –

…Beck saluted Vines for making the decision to home-school her daughter, but asked how much longer parents will even have the option to home-school.  “If they’re already saying ‘These are our children’ and ‘Don’t listen to mommy and daddy’ — do you know what this is? You remember the Al Gore speech?” Beck said. “It was right after the election … when he called everyone in and would not allow any parents, any adults in there. It was just teenagers. … And what he said was, ‘Look, there are some things that your parents don’t know, that you just instinctively know.’”

And if they can’t stop it, they can regulate home-schooling.  Which, I might add, given the absolute STELLER results coming out of our schools, is just ludicrous to listen to the wails of the school staffs “well what if they don’t actually teach their kids!  WE have to protect those kids from abusive parents”!  So they wish to pile regulation and defined curriculum on parents that already have the mindset of “what, we want to use YOUR methodology that we see failing in front of our very eyes?”.

Yeah, what’s abusive is when I see kids dropping out of school, or worse, finishing high school and they can’t string three sentences together or a couple of logically connected paragraphs, read at a 6th grade level, and have a hard time with rudimentary mathematics (like making change at the register).  Or worse, look at the graduation rates – like Chicago where the teachers are amongst the highest paid in the country and have a student graduation failure rate just as high.  And those that do are just about functionally illiterate.  Or try Detroit, LA, or other areas – and it isn’t a lack of money either.

Stu Burguiere added that MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry seemingly feels the same way, and once said in an MSNBC commercial: “We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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