“Paul Stender’s jet-powered “School Time” school bus is a vehicle with a mission. Make that two missions. “The first is to entertain people because, come on, it’s a jet bus,” Stender explains. “The second is to inspire kids to keep away from drugs.” Because nothing says “safe hobby” like blasting down a runway at 367 MPH in a school bus that shoots 80-foot flames.”
“School Time gets its horsepower—42,000, to be exact—from a GE J-79 jet engine originally built for an F-4 Phantom fighter jet. The custom-built bus shares practically nothing with the yellow kiddie-movers parked outside your local school, with nearly every component custom-built by Stender. And with that giant engine nestled in the back, there’s only room for three passengers.”
(H/T: Popular Mechanics via Instapundit)