Nothing Senator Ayotte Says Here Makes Any Sense

Steve MacDonald
Resistance is Futile
Resistance is Futile

There is not one single thing in this statement from Senator Ayotte that makes any damn sense.

Republicans and Democrats have a responsibility to work together to find solutions to the many challenges facing our country. As the new Congress gets to work, I will continue to work across the aisle to advance priorities that are important to Granite Staters – including creating a better tax and regulatory climate that allows businesses in New Hampshire and across our country to grow and create jobs. I’m also hopeful that new leadership will restore the Senate to a place that is accountable to voters – and that means allowing members of both parties to offer, debate, and vote on legislation on behalf of our constituents.” – Kelly Ayotte

c/o Susan Olsen – Facebook.

First, you can’t work with Democrats AND create a better tax and regulatory climate, unless there is a definition of ‘better’ with which I am unfamiliar.

You can’t work with Democrats AND grow and create jobs, unless by that you mean plunder the states and their people, and future generations through debt service,  for cash to prop up Rome DC.  You can, ironically, let Democrats grow taxes and the regulatory climate (to suppress job growth everywhere but DC) but didn’t voters just come out and suggest that they are no longer willing to tolerate that?

And if Ms Ayotte’s Senate expects to be held to account to voters as she suggests, “working across the Aisle” in a Republican Senate will need to fit the lefts definition of that while Republicans are in charge.

Democrats do not want Debate.  (What US Senate are you showing up to work at every day, Senator Ayotte?  Certainly not the one run by Democrat Harry Reid.)

Democrats do not want to legislate on behalf of their constituents, they want to ram through laws and policies (like, oh, I don’t know… ObamaCare).  They certainly do not see themselves as beholden to any law, theirs or anyone elses.  So you can’t work with Democrats AND be accountable to voters.

To Democrats rights are not human rights received at birth to be defended by US Senators, they are defined, doled out, and selectively enforced by a capricious central government that exercises its power to protect incumbent toadies, and Federal monopolies on power and influence over the people.

And finally, most of the things you claim a responsibility for, should be done at the state and local level, not the federal level.  And the only way you will ever achieve any of the goals you subscribe to, in DC for New Hampshire, is to refuse to reach out to Democrats, and to work tirelessly day in and day out from now until 2016 to shift power and authority back to the states and the people—who can then decide without the benefit of your blind deference to tyrants–how best to spend their hard earned dollars and whom shall be entrusted locally with the task.

There is one exception.  If Democrats reach across the aisle to you–see also capitulate to the priorities of a conservative republican agenda–you are to immediately run to the media and broadcast their quiescence (daily if possible) as evidence of your ability to get them to work with you in a bipartisan manner.  (naturally, when they refuse, you are to run to the media–daily if possible– and declare them obstructionist, tied to old unworkable Obama-Reid Washington that the people voted against in 2014.)

And of course, there is Susan’s suggestion, one all of us at GraniteGrok agree with.  “How about repealing the 17th amendment, Miz Ayotte?”


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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