Liberal language perversion: Entitlement, Tax Breaks



And yes, there are those in the welfare class that DO believe your money (MY money!) should be given to them to the point of being a Right – the de facto fulfillment of FDR’s intent with his Second Bill of Rights.  I know that, as I have said before, I had bunches of them standing around in my daycare lobby kvetching about it.  It was always about how to getting onto more government programs – and living better.

Meanwhile, as money is taking from the working class, we are told “it is the price we pay for living in a society” – and living worse.

I’ve had to use the safety net a couple of times during my career, especially during the time of IT technology disruptions when newer replaced older technologies.  I NEVER felt “it is due me”; I never felt “hey, I supported all those other people – now they MUST support me”.  Rather, it was “how the heck do I get a REAL check instead of this govt check”?

I felt that I wasn’t pulling my own weight.

But Liberals?  When you listen to them, it is easy to think that ALL money should belong to them (after all, the Dems said “Government is the one thing we all belong to) – so all money should belong to Government.  Remember that nasty kerfuffle about tax inversions a bit ago (where American companies were trying to become foreign ones to avoid what they believed to be confiscatory business taxes)?  Progressives lamented and wailed about all the money that would not then be going to the US Treasury’s coffers (so as to then be spent by them).

Like Power to pass legislation to tell people how they MUST live their lives, Liberals / Progressives / Democrats want to Power to use other peoples’ money for THEIR purposes (why else is so much money spent on campaigns – the lure for naked Power is that enticing).  Bottomline: they HATE the fact that they have to settle that money has to come to them; they’d rather that ALL earned money first goes to DC and then is ladled out “according to one’s need”.

(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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