Our just STELLAR Educational system – only one college student knew who won the Civil War. One??


This is really starting to get wicked bad – one of the most seminal events in our US history and it is clear that these “college” students don’t have the actual history knowledge that was required to be rock solid by the end of elementary school back in my day.  After all, how HARD is it to know that the Union / the North won the Civil War????   Seriously, only ONE knew (and that was after a lot of hesitation)?

And teachers unions believe they should be paid more – for turning out an absolutely horrible product as shown by this clip?  It would be one thing if this was a solitary event, but how many times have I put up similar ones all showing how badly prepared our students are to take their place in society as “well informed citizens”.  Year after year, clip after clip – at some point, the bony finger must be pointed at those to whom we PAY to prepare our students properly and say “enough of this nonsense – man up, do the job, or get away from our sons and daughters!”.

School choice – competition.

It’s worked New Orleans absolutely.  Should be a Republican legislative priority.  Parents should rule the roost – not the teachers, administrators, or the unions.  Let the parents decide where and what is best for their kids – and this is a shining example of this.  And with the downgrade that Common Core gives to our core US History, it will only get worse.  More and more I am convinced, by examples like this, that it is our teachers (e.g., Bill Ayers and the rest of the New Left that took over the teachers education system decades ago) that are at fault and it has been incrementally deliberate – I have no other explanation that makes sense (e.g., Occam’s Razor, and if you don’t what that is, well, point proven).

And, truth be told, makes a whole lot of sense politically – takes down the political power of the teachers unions because with choice, the unions no longer have a monopoly.  Without the monopoly, the dollars go elsewhere and that means less dues monies that can be used for supporting the Democrat Party.  After all, why should taxpayer monies be used against them by a union whose members, more and more, are disdainful of the parents that pay their salaries.

As Mr. Wonderful says on Shark Tank: “Stop the Madness!”

(H/T: The College Fix)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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