The Fat Lady has sung:
Sandra Fluke did no better trying to peddle it [War On Women – Skip] in west L.A., even though the electorate there is presumably sympathetic to her values. It turns out that most normal adults are not that exercised about joining a crusade to use the force of government to mandate birth-control subsidies, a fairly picayune concern given the state of the economy and the world. (H/T: The Corner)
It appears that Mrs. Sandra Fluke has become a casualty of her own #WarOnWomen. Just not enough estrogen in them thar pill message, I guess. Looks like either the Republicans either stormed her ramparts and took the castle or the Dems forgot to include her in their “strategic retreat” in the Dem War on Women. She lost TO A GUY 61%-39%.
Even “Abortion Barbie”, the Texas politician named Wendy Davis (who became famous for her pink sneakers while filibustering for pro-abortion policy) couldn’t even win her WarOnWomen – she couldn’t win over even a majority of Texas women.
It may well be that, except for died-in-the-wool feminists and Democrat bitter clingers, the #WarOnWomen meme is dead. Didn’t make sense then, and not now.