Trust. Consistency breeds Trust. It is everything. And what we are seeing is a migration from those that have broken Trust, those that cannot hold to that standard, to those that can. It is a tough lesson to learn – and sometimes, one that has to be re-taught AND relearned. Journalism is learning that – the hard way. One set of journalists has kinda figured it out – you know, the one that was created “to meet the unserved needs of a minority in the US” – 50% at last count. From Big Journalism (emphasis mine):
Fox News obliterated its cable news competition during Tuesday night’s election coverage, and did so by humiliating margins. However, co-hosts Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier not only vanquished CNN and MSNBC into oblivion, the dynamic duo also beat their broadcast network competition — in both total viewers and the all-important 25-54 age demo:
According to Nielsen Media Research, Fox News Channel beat CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC’s coverage in both total viewers and in the 25-to-54-year-old demographic.
Co-anchored by Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly, the channel’s election coverage averaged 6.3 million viewers during prime time. CNN was the second most watched news network, with 2.1 million viewers during prime time. MSNBC came in third with about 1.7 million viewers.
The Democrats lost their voters on Tuesday nite – it seems like their media supports lost big time as well. Long live the “new media”