Even as Obama calls “Olly, Olly, all in free!”, Mexico is going to charge entry fees


Yeah, ain’t this the height of irony.  Obama calls out “Free Entry” (and free access to our welfare system) to those coming in through our Southern border and Mexico (who supplies the majority of its citizens as our illegal aliens) had decided to use a Free Market alternative to slow down immigrants through its borders – ABC 10 news (reformatted, emphasis mine):

SAN DIEGO – If you are a United States citizen and cross the border frequently you may have to pay a fee to go into Mexico.  The National Immigration Institute in Mexico (INAMI) has started a pilot program in which foreigners that enter Mexican territory for more than seven days or they will be involved in paid work, they will have to pay 306 pesos, or about 28 US dollars.

“We are doing what should be done,” said Rudolfo Figueroa, representative of INAMI in Baja California. “Foreigners who enter Mexico have the obligation to register; if they will be in national territory for more than seven days, they have to pay the right of non-residents.”

What a concept – protecting their borders and making sure that before someone enters their country, they have to register.  Now THAT is common sense, right?

Figueroa said that the implementation is a pilot program, but the legislation has existed since 2012.  He adds that currently the implementation does not include vehicles yet, only pedestrians that cross into Mexico through the port of entries in Otay, San Ysidro/El Chaparral and Puerta Mexico Este.  How will this affect U.S. citizens who cross the border frequently or just want to visit family and what about tourism? “People that enter Mexico for a period under seven days do not have to pay anything,” said Figueroa. “Only those who enter for a longer period of time and those who are going to be involved in paid work.”

Yup, their citizens may get PAID to be here, thanks to Obama’s green cards to be issued to Mexico’s illegal aliens that will give them access to our welfare system while

Sidenote: Our nation’s Governors are certainly giving “Thanks” to Obama this season for just raising their states’ budgets.

if I wanted to go for only a two week vacation, I have to pay?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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