Heh! Gotta love the Internet for never forgetting….and being the lawyer that Obama purports to be, he forgot the most basic rule of lawyering.
“You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election.” So said a belligerent Barack Obama on Oct. 17, 2013. He was speaking to his Republican “enemies” in Congress, not to the American people, whose best interests he represents, he has long maintained.
Looks like the American people chose to answer that challenge – and won. And yeah, that basic rule would be “Never ask a question to which you do not already know the answer“. But Obama, The Won, whose every policy was on the ballot (by his own words) got an answer to his “Progressive Government is caring, non-partisan, competent, and only has your best interest in mind as we drag you to OUR Utopia”: from The Won to You Lost.
(H/T: Liberty Unyielding)