If the Republicans actually take the Senate, does ANYONE seriously think this will happen?


Just like the hue and cry, the sturm und drang that Republicans in both chambers that promised, over and over, that Obamacare would be repealed just as soon as they controlled the US House and Senate.  You surely must remember that back in 2010 and 2012, right?  Number one rally cry, number one campaign promise, number one fund raiser line (methinks in hindsight, only the last one was pertinent).  Now, what does “Maybe soon to be Senate Majority Leader” McConnell say about that repeal?

On Obamacare, McConnell stated “obviously, he’s [Obama’s] not going to sign a full repeal, but there are pieces of it that are extremely unpopular with the American public that the senate ought to have a chance to vote on, repealing the medical device tax, trying to restore the 40-hour workweek, voting on whether or not we should continue the individual mandate, which people hate, detest and despise.”

So, what’s this new shiny object?  From Brietbart TV:


Does ANYONE that has had even a trifle more than an inkling of what has gone on the last few years really believe that?

The Rs caved when it came to using the “power of the purse” when it was tried – too many bad names were thrown their way, couldn’t message their way out of the proverbial paper bag, and instead of showing political courage, they showed more concern for their own loss power, backsides and wallets than the loss of our Freedom and our wallets.  No, they had their chance to defund Obamacare and combined the worst of both: didn’t defund and – I have no TRUST that this will happen:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) vowed to “restrain” and “push back against” any executive orders by the president to grant work permits to illegal immigrants “by trying to control the amount of money that is allocated” if the Republicans take over the Senate on Tuesday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

My gosh, where have we heard THAT word before – VOWED!

Asked about the prospect of the president granting work permits via an executive order, he said “I think it’s a bad mistake…if the American people do change the Senate and give the Republicans control of the Congress, we certainly are, through the spending process, going to try to restrain the overactive bureaucracy that’s been attacking virtually every business in America and is the reason for this slow growth, and we intend to push back against executive orders that we think aren’t warranted by trying to control the amount of money that is allocated.” And “we’re going to do what we can in Congress to try to restrain activities that we think are a mistake, and I certainly think a whole lot of unilateral executive branch-only actions in the immigration field is a mistake.”

Hey, and Paul Ryan is saying the same thing!

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) vowed to “explore every option” to use the power of the purse to defund any executive order to give work permits to illegal immigrants and to add such an executive order to the House’s lawsuit against the president on Tuesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

VOWED – there’s that word again.  Somehow, I do not think they know what it really means (think “on your shield”).  And notice the weasel word “explore” – I can do that anytime I want, too! But it is DOING that is important – the result is what matters.

“First of all, it’s unconstitutional, so we’re already going through the court system on other unconstitutional executive orders that he has worked on and we would add this to the pile” Ryan said of the prospect of executive amnesty. And “second of all, if we can get the power of the purse, we will explore every option we can to exercise that power of the purse, to get this executive to honor the Constitution. If he were to do something like that, by the way, he’ll put millions of people in legal limbo, poison the well for Congress, and do something that’s so blatantly unconstitutional and so we’re telling the administration ‘don’t even think about doing this.’”

Since when has a lot of stuff filtering through Congress been Constitutional?  And that court system stuff has turned out to be mere political theater.

Oh, by the way?  The Rs ALREADY have the “power of the purse” – I bet Boehner would be happy to let you have it – he’s not touched it yet.  And as far as getting Obama to honor the Constitution, you’re delusional for thinking that and for thinking that we think that’s gonna happen.

Ryan added that a GOP Senate takeover means “we stop his agenda, we stop him from stacking the courts with liberal progressives that could never get a bipartisan vote, from stacking regulatory agencies with liberals that could never get a bipartisan vote. That’s what the Senate does to begin with, but then we give the president the luxury to actually make a decision or two. Put bills on the desk.”

Nope, not gonna happen.  Just like the Republicans here in NH talking about letting the law that will have Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion sunset.  Right – even R Guv candidate Havenstein who emphatically declared his appeal for repeal of it at first has all but retreated on that stance.  No, I have NO TRUST that the US Senate Republican Majority (like that here in NH) will do the right thing.  They will, like always, find a way to snatch defeat from victory.  But, they always campaign that way, right?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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