Although TMEW doesn’t do the level of politics I do, she does seem to be more aware of current events than most. As the talking heads on TV were telling us “all is well” this morning, she stumbled across this over at Yahoo News:
They don’t know enough about this virus. I think their bringing it here originally was a mistake. However I think that’s why they brought it here was to learn at the expense both financially and healthwise of the US citizenry. It has given people like Duncan the idea that if they lie and camouflage their flight path they can get in here for treatment. They will end up getting better treatment than Obamacare will cover for any of us if we get it.
Now, I’m not making the same supposition (“that’s why they brought it here”) but I think the conclusion stands (bolded by me). After all, Obama looks at us as the “world’s 1%” and he is bound and determined that redistribution isn’t just between his identity groups here in the US but from the US to everyone else – that’s what “a fellow citizen of the world…global citizenship” does that believes in a transnational worldview. But this guy, Thomas Eric Duncan, will certainly get much better care than many American citizens will get under their Obama mandated healthcare plans. The number and amount of healthcare resources that he will be receiving – in an epidemic scenario, there just wouldn’t be enough to care for everyone.
And while we keep hearing from the Administration that, on terrorism, “we have to be right 100%”, why is it that we have to settle for less in this situation – a vague wave of the hand of “Meh…”.