NH GOP – sending a Ransom Note about the unrevised NH GOP Platform ? Part 2


Subtitle choices:

Some Work – Oh gosh, it is just SO hard to update about 50 or so words – stop fidgeting, children!

Preoccupied – The gang that can’t chew gum and type straight?

Understandable – Don’t you understand that YOUR changes will hurt OUR candidates so we aren’t gonna put it up before the election?

Go WORK – Only winning counts; the Platform means nothing

Well, it seems that I’m not the only one that has been watching the NH GOP hostage taking of the updated NH GOP Platform; I was forwarded an email from another elected NH GOP Delegate that is having a beef over having to say “Where’s the beef?!” that is inquiring why a duly authorized update is being held back.  He did get a response from his NH GOP Area Vice Chair, Mark Vincent.  I duly note the weasel words – the inability or desire to tell the plain truth to a simple question:

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Mark Vincent  wrote:

John and Brady,

The NHGOP, or the state committee as I assume you mean, does not vote on the platform. The platform is voted on by the elected delegates, and they did so at the recent State Convention held on the 20th of September. The new revised platform has  not yet been posted on the NHGOP.org web site. There is some work involved in editing the platform according to the wishes of the delegates at the convention. The NHGOP staff is somewhat preoccupied with another important task – that being to get our Republican candidates elected on November 4th. Therefore, there is an understandable delay in the updating of the platform. I hope you would agree that doing the work of contacting voters and organizing get out the vote efforts is taking priority right now. However, I assure you that the updated platform will be posted on the NHGOP web site as soon as possible. Feel free to contact me with any further questions.

— Mark

— Mark Vincent
— Area 3 Vice Chairman, New Hampshire Republican State Committee
— Treasurer, Hillsborough County Republican Committee
— Chairman, Amherst Republican Town Committee

When it comes down to it, the message is clear: We aren’t going to update it anytime soon, shut up and go work, and the your Platform changes doesn’t matter (to us).

As far as actually editing the Platform page, as a rather experienced blogger, it should take only about 15 minutes to cut and paste the changes in (maybe, MAYBE 30 minutes if a moron is at the keyboard).  If it takes longer, well, then NH GOP Jennifer Horn made a really bad choice in the NH GOP website’s CMS (Content Management System)).  And if they are hardpressed to multi-task and can’t do that editing, then either they aren’t up to the task (which raises other questions) or we are seeing their priorities being set by Horn et al (which should raise some real serious questions as to why the NH GOP Leadership won’t level with us and tell us the Truth.  THEY know why they have stopped it from being updated and WE know why – why continue to fracture the Trust that is still intact?). 

Which tells us in the grassroots where our ideas and where we stand with the NH GOP Leadership.  And then the temerity to tell us “go back to work”?

Mr. Vincent’s email also makes it clear what our grassroots role is: we work for them.  Your changes don’t matter right now – go out and do the grunt work we expect you to be doing (gee, hate to be a bit snarky, but isn’t that always what we seem to hear around this time of an election cycle – fall into line?).  Once the election is over, THEN we’ll get to your priorities.

Mr. Vincent, as a blogger of some ability as well as being an NH State Committee member (and newly elected (again) Delegate), let me make this offer – I will gladly donate my time and update the site for you and everybody will be happy.  All I need is login credentials.  You can trust me – I’m a Good Republican (since I have an “R” after my name)!

And yes, there is a Part 3…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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