NH GOP – sending a Ransom Note about the unrevised NH GOP Platform ? Part 4


“This isn’t about being a “good Republican” it is all about being THEIR Republican”

NH GOP Victory Starts Now LogoWell another techie has let me know that he has contacted the NH GOP to offer his company’s services to fill in any time crunch on the part of the NH GOP and update the NH GOP Platform.  Oh, by the way, he’s no “extremist” – he was the NH GOP nominee for State Senate from my area last cycle. Oh, and Matt Mowers hasn’t even the manners to return a call to Josh, either.  Just like everyone who is calling in.

And they want the Liberty & Freedom (e.g., conservatives, libertarians, TEA Party, 9/12ers) to support the NH GOP candidates but can’t even bother to answer an email or a phone call from them?

From: “Josh Youssef”
To: mowers@nhgop.org
Sent: 10/8/2014 1:17:13 PM
Subject: Platform

Hey Matt-

We met earlier this year at your office.  Hope you have been well.

What’s the status of the revised platform update to the site?  We need to get this up ASAP…we are quickly  losing the support of conservatives

who rely on the platform to vet candidates.  Things are really bad out there with the likes of Scott Brown totally bastardizing the Republican brand and it is time to show some unity among Republicans by rallying around the platform which we can agree is the GOP “law of the land.”

Lets get this going ASAP.  It should take no longer than 15 minutes and my company, Same Day Computer would be willing to donate the service to get it done TODAY!

Let me know!

Thanks Matt,

But Josh was seen as part of the L&F Wing of the Party in that last cycle.  Scuttlebut was that once the primary was over, the primary winners were gathered together for a “pep rally” and he was asked to to talk with then State Senators (Majority Leader, Presidet)  Jeb Bradley and Peter Bragdon.  Instead of getting offers to assist his campaign (as he had easily beaten his Primary rival from Franklin (an Establishment backed candidate), they stared at him and brusquely told him to move out of the District.  The message was clear – they wanted their “own boy” and not him even though voters had made the opposite determination.

And then you wonder why the L&F wing is not all that disposed to support the Establishment hand picked folks?  This isn’t about being a “good Republican” it is all about being THEIR Republican”.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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