We listen, we write it down, and then we review. Review – such a softer word than accountability. So let’s go with accountability. When she ran for NH GOP Chair, she promised three things – and now it is the time for the Party (not just us) to start the review and see if those promises have been kept:
- She would unite the Party
- She would transform our use of technology
- She would fill our coffers.
To that latter one, from the Union Leader (on opportunities missed) (emphasis mine):
Dems raised $640,198 the past two weeks for a total of $1.1 million for the general election, and spent $268,430 for a total of $642,467. Democrats have cash on hand of $456,803.
Republicans raised $231,483 for the two-week period — almost all from the Senate Republican Majority Political Action Committee — for a total of $330,089, and spent $247,468 for a total of $304,385. The GOP has cash of $25,701.
So, if it weren’t for NH State Senators Chuck Morse, Jeb Bradley, and Jeannie Forrester, the coffers would have had…..nothing? And I thought, since protecting the GOP Brand doesn’t seem to be all that important, that fund raising was job numero uno?
So, how’s that coffer promise doing?