Epic Acts of Political Cowardice – Obamacare Medicaid Expansion where NH Senate Republicans blaming other NH Senate Republicans.


I was not in my usual seat at GrokTALK! this morning so I’m listening to it here on iHeart radio and just after the start of the show (7:34), Steve says something I need to quickly expand upon:

Keep in mind that their argument was that they didn’t have a choice that there were Republicans who were going to vote for it anyways and they were trying to soften the blow but doesn’t make a difference.

NH Senate Republican Majority PAC logoRight….these “Republican Establishment Elite have to provide themselves with an out (NH State Senator Chuck Morse, NH State Senator Jeb Bradley, NH State Senator David Boutin, NH State Senator Bob Odell and the other cast of usual suspects) and a scapegoat – as one of those that would was going to do an unRepublican type vote was NH State Senator Nancy Stiles.

So the utterly political wail from these spineless ones is “Don’t blame us – blame HER!”. Just like Obama, very willing to charter a bus under which to throw her. Except they have one really big problem concerning NH State Senator Nancy Stiles!

We’ve written muchly about how the NH Senate Republican Majority PAC supported NH State Senator David Boutin in his primary against Conservative Jane Cormier – imagine spending almost $100,000 altogether in a primary against a lone rival. Seriously?  But it showed that the “Republican Majority” that is desired is not a Republican one – but one that is indefinitely the “Insider Club” – the Establishment and Moderate Republican kind – Conservatives and Liberty & Freedom kinds that TRULY want limited government (as opposed to craven lip service).  THOSE kinds of Republicans aren’t THEIR kind of Republicans.

And they supported NH State Senator Nancy Stiles with some big bucks in her primary against a lone rival – Conservative Steve Kenda.   So which is it, boys – blaming it on Nancy Stiles or financially supporting Nancy Stiles?  Is she a convenient political punching bag or real ally?

Talk  is cheap and from most politicians, the cheapest of the worthless (why else have I been writing about the almost complete lack of Trust in the NH GOP – when can we believe what they say? Actions DO speak louder than words and MONEY talks even louder.

They are one in the same – the NH State Senators blaming and blameless are of no difference (as there is little different than worms in the compost pile).  Standing up for what the base believes or standing up for one another – a high school clique (but with more important outcomes)?

Clique is it, folks.  These folks aren’t about Republican ideals and philosophy, it is about them.  And holding onto power, regardless.  In this way, there is little difference between the Dems and the Rs – same tactics and PASSING the same agenda items.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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