“There were 60 of us!”
I missed this line when I listened to the debate on WBIN / NH1 between US Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Scott Brown. Never, ever, ever will Progressives EVER take responsibility (er, shouldn’t THAT be a clue to the hollowness of their philosophy?) for failing programs. After all, shouldn’t Jeanne Shaheen, one of the biggest backers of Obamacare, be running on her past action and vote on Obamacare front and center? Typical Progressive (and just like the NH State Senate Republicans) in running away from that which she created. SB711 – her bill that decimated the healthcare insurance industry here in NH when she was a State Senator – she ran away from that as well.
From the Washington Examiner is this summarization:
“She was the deciding vote,” former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown said during the Thursday debate.
“There were 60 of us!” the incumbent Democratic senator interrupted. “Everybody was a deciding vote!”
Brown continued: “Every Democrat voted. And yes, every Democrat was the deciding vote for a terrible bill that’s crushing businesses.”
DON’T BLAME ME – I’M A VICTIM OF THOSE OTHER DEMOCRATS! Always the politics of victimhood, these Progressives, and all too willing to envelope themselves in that same mantle simply for their own self-interest. Courage? None present at all in this one. It shows an unwillingness to stand up and take personal responsibility for her actions. Do we really want a Representative that is all too willing to hide in a crowd, deflect responsibility, and shift blame onto others? That seeks to hide in a crowd so that the political mud won’t spatter?