Carol Shea-Porter is either stupid or lying (and I’m open to her being both) on O bamacare


NH1 logoAnother pile of steaming, smelly stuff from Carol Shea-Porter in the NH1 / WBIN debate.  Yes, that same Carol Shea-Porter that stole GraniteGrok copyrighted material and used it in her campaign ads without permission.  But like all Progressives, laws are only for the little people (and she ain’t one of us, I guess) and considers herself above the law.  During her latest debate with Frank Guinta, she let lose another line that had me staring at the screen (16:00 – video after the jump until I can get their formatting right):

“People didn’t lose their policies as you know and if you don’t, you can look it up”

Well, I DIDN’T have to look it up, Carol – I was one of your NH constituents that DID lose his policy – one that I liked and one that was affordable to me. The paperwork that came to me from my company explicitly said that my plan had to be replaced because Obamacare mandated stuff that I didn’t want or need.  To have made that statement make you out to be a flaming liar for craven political purposes or marks you as rather stupid (or both).  MY healthcare plan changed, my premiums went UP due to Obamacare, and having just had a doctor’s appt (which, unlike others, I got to keep this one – others, not so much) to which I now get to pay a MUCH higher deductible and a much larger bill when TMEW and I go to the Pharmacy.

For her to have made that statement is sheer

unmitigated gall on her part – and yes, I watched that smarmy teacher smirk all night long so to hear this utter fabrication was just par for the course.

MY question is this: WHY didn’t NH’s “brightest” journalists call her out on that?  Screw the prepared questions – they should have been all over that!  Or, they should have if they are, as we hear endlessly, that they are the Purveyors and Keepers Of The Truth: Laura Knoy (NHPR), Keke Vencill (NH1), and Howard Altschiller (Portsmouth Herald).  Not a single syllable, not a single twitch rose from this three-some.

Seriously, when will one of the debate sponsors round up some of us snarling, snarky doing-it-because-we-love-this-stuff bloggers from BOTH sides of the aisle as the panel – THEN the “truth” will be exposed!  You want ratings??  We’ll give you ratings!



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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