Smith is a Conservative, Brown is Shaheen-lite


Why would Republicans want Scott Brown in the Senate?  Brown’s Senate voting record went from fair to poor to bad.  In 2012 Brown voted more like Senator Shaheen than Senator Ayotte on key issues.

Senator Brown voted against the ban on insider trading for members of Congress, against domestic energy production, for energy subsidies, against efforts to stop government fraud and waste, for Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bailouts, and subsidies for mortgages over $700,000.  He consistently votes to restrict our Second Amendment rights.  Scott Brown’s votes don’t benefit the American people.

But the special interests are very happy to fund Brown’s campaign.  The special interests will win, and the people lose, if voters must choose between Scott Brown and Senator Shaheen in November.

Because of his long record of fighting for small, Constitutionally limited government; Bob Smith can be trusted to do so again.  (See:  He supports a balanced budget, enforcement of immigration laws, tax reform, repeal of Obamacare, government integrity, and all our Constitutional rights.

The special interests and Washington establishment already have too much power.  The people need a Senator who represents them, on September 9th, vote for Bob Smith.


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