Shades of Barbara (“Please call me Senator; I worked so hard for that title”) Boxer in browbeating a US Military General who used the honorific “Ma’am”:
Senator Kay Hagan (D., N.C.) is scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to finding ways to portray her Republican opponent, House speaker Thom Tillis, as anti-woman. Following the two Senate candidates’ first debate, Hagan’s team is complaining thatTillis called his former colleague by her first name. “We saw women on social media in particular who were bothered by his tone and more than anything they were bothered by his record,” Hagan spokeswoman Sadie Weiner told Politico.
Yeah, these nitwits wouldn’t stand a chance here in NH where I can walk down the street and either congratulate or berate my NH House rep. The gubernatorial candidates know me by sight. Ditto the congressional and senatorial candidates doing battle tomorrow in the Republican Primary. My federal delegation? Ditto. We are that kind of a state – it IS about the retail politics.
And yes, I call them all by their FIRST names, and not their titles. They are just people and we all should see them exactly as that – they all put their pants on the same ways we all do. Heck, I feel uncomfortable using their titles (or former titles) – our Founding Fathers were against establishing any kind of Aristocracy. Sure, the Old Countries had “real” aristocracies but we seem to be creating our own of our current and former office holders. Even worse when it comes to dynastic families like the Bushes and Clintons at the national level and the Sununus here in NH.
And yes, I’d call them by their FIRST names. Because in this country, that’s what we all should do. And for those pretentious snots that demand otherwise, screw them – double down and keep using their FIRST names.
(H/T: The Corner)