Ace of Spades has a great query with regard to the left and their so-called superior social-consciousness narrative. The high and mighty Nanny-Staters are always appealing to everyone to volunteer time or money to their local (see also global) “community.”
[su_quote] There have been a lot of claims that Obama supporters would pledge to give more selflessly of themselves on behalf of others. Michele Obama famously claimed that Obama won’t permit you to be complacent about all the evils in the world. So here’s my question: Has there in fact been any measurable increase in charitable donations (of time or money) by the Obama coalition or the left generally? The left is notably stingy and selfish with their money and time — every survey and study demonstrates the right (especially the religious right, of course) gives more. Obama repeatedly called upon his voters to do good in the service of mankind.[/su_quote]
The piece goes on to explore the “Dog didn’t bark” principle with regard to media coverage on this. If the numbers were good, the more liberal the media the more we would hear about it. You’d know ‘Got Milk,’ ‘Just Do It,’ the Intel (Duh-Nuh-nu-NUH! and McDonald’s jingles (Bud-du buh-buh BAH!), and how Obama bought the world a (diet) coke and Obama voters answered by ….living united?
Not so much. And the absence of any persistent narrative to the contrary suggests the numbers are bad so why bring it up..
How could they not be?
Democrats have never donated more, nor volunteered more. [And getting paid to protest (or to run an out-of-state funded political non-profit) is not volunteer work.]
During the age of Obama, despite record numbers of long-term unemployed and a record low work force participation rate, volunteerism since 2009 has dropped.
@AceofSpadesHQ Heads up: Your "dog who doesn't bark" instinct is correct. Volunteerism is down 1.4% since 2009
— PoIiMath (@politicalmath) September 15, 2014
Don’t misunderstand. Democrats are still volunteering some things with predictable enthusiasm. The left’s secular progressive missionary position is one where you are bent over while the hand of government forces its way into your wallet, to pay for their progressive political proprieties. And when I say political priorities, I mean state-wide, national, cultural, global, all of them; everything is political to the left and you cannot be trusted to support the same interests. Don’t think of it as tribute or tithing, it is more like dhimmitude because you were not smart enough to want what a Democrat wants.
And this dove-tails nicely with their assault on the First Amendment. If you wont donate some of the money (the government was kind enough to let you keep) to their candidates and causes, they will find a way to bill you for it, and/or erect bureaucratic mazes and mine the field of free speech to prevent you from daring to support the dissent of others.
Either way you’re screwed.