Math is hard….? And so is adhering to The Rule of Law but will the NH GOP do so?


“…Notice of any such meetings shall be mailed to each member at their last known address, at least ten days before the day of the meeting

counting fingersSusan’s post pointing out that the NH GOP has royally screwed up by not adhering to its own rules is appropriate.  I have had a number of folks call me and complaining that they did not receive their proper notification in time, especially those that had to wait for their delegate races to become official.  After all, we all know that just because Election Day is over, races are not over (sorta like when Obama declares a war to be over – and it isn’t).

No Susan, the math isn’t hard – it IS easy but only if one pays attention while counting on your fingers (and sometimes, toes).  Obviously, we are seeing the results of New Math in politics (I can’t WAIT to see how Common Core math is going to play out in this arena!).  However, here is the MOST important part: will the NH GOP:

  • Own up to its own mistake
  • Adhere to its own stated rules and reschedule
  • Or try a cover up and CYA it over with this from the same  Rule that Susan quotes:

 “…that when in the opinion of the State Chairman and one-third of the Executive Committee an extraordinary or emergency situation exists requiring lesser notice, a meeting may be called by the Chairman provided, each member is notified by mail at least five days before the day of the meeting.”

Let’s be real here….there has been NO indication that the Chair and 1/3 of the E-Board have voted to declared such an emergency,

allowing the advance notice to be cut in half.  None, nada, zippo, nein, nothing.  Period.  And if one looks at the Agenda for the meeting, I see NOTHING that rises to the level of “EMERGENCY !!!” – listening to speakers and voting on by-laws is really nothing more than every-day kind of stuff.  Nothing ill will happen if we don’t listen to a raft of politicians.  We are grown adults – most of us well past the need for a “rah-rah!!” speaking to.  And given my two previous posts (here and here), delaying the change in by-laws in no way constitutes an EMERGENCY.

But The Rule of Law, even if it is just your own (vs society’s legal Rule of Law)?  The NH GOP leadership has now created its own horned dilemma – will it be faithful and steadfast, or just sweep another brief interlude of “lawlessness” aside in being (yes, that word that Progressives use for themselves when The Rule of Law gets in the way of their agenda) “pragmatic”.  After all, Skip, there are great expenses associated with this meeting – people traveling, traveling expenses, the hall is rented, we bought all these other things, make up all this paper work – all for some silly little rule you want us to postphone?  Are you crazy or deluded?

Actually, neither am I either of those things.  But this does bring up this old truism:  Character is what a man is when no one is looking.  Gosh, are we all supposed to turn away and not look to see if NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn will do the right thing?  Will she take responsibility for this – or simply brush it aside?

Gosh, there’s no skirting this problem, is there?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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