Elect Bob Smith to Start Fixing Congress

by Don

Congress has a well-deserved 77% disapprove rating.  Congress’s members are irresponsible, wasteful, dishonest, and they don’t solve America’s problems.  Illegal immigration is tolerated and even rewarded, politicians spend future generations into debt to buy votes today, welfare keeps people poor rather than leading them to be successful, public education declines after forty years of Federal government “help”, etc.

So why do the American people keep sending the same people, or people like them, to Congress?  Because special interest groups, which get billions of dollars and special privileges from our corrupt and dysfunctional Congress, spend hundreds of millions of dollars to reward supporters and to fight against the election of anyone who might threaten their generous incomes and privileges.

Most Americans recognize this corruption and want it to end.  A few brave people put their lives on hold to challenge the Washington establishment, to end this corruption and return to government for the people.

Few challengers can win elections against the overwhelming power, experience, and money of the establishment and special interest backed candidates.  In New Hampshire, the Republican and Democrat political establishments and special interests are working hard and spending lots of money to ensure that only their candidates are on the ballot for the people to choose from in the November election for US Senate.

But New Hampshire is fortunate that an exceptional candidate, former Senator Bob Smith, has stepped up to challenge the Republican and Democrat establishments’ picks for US Senate.  Bob Smith has a long and clear record of fighting for the Constitutional, limited government required to ensure people’s freedoms, opportunities, and prosperity.

To start making the US Senate work for the American people rather than the special interests, we must elect Bob Smith in the primary election on September 9.  Please join me in supporting and voting for a man with a distinguished record of working for the people, Bob Smith.


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