What we seem to have forgotten is that Freedom just “is”. It does not have to be explained. It does not have to be justified. It does not have to be litigated. It does not have to be legislated.
It merely has to be lived.
Once permission is asked, you have given your freedom away – forever now being in the control of another. Sure, we do give up some amount of Liberty to exist in an ordered society. The problem is that there are those, instead of assuming Freedom is innate, believe it IS something that they can ignore – they do not respect YOUR Freedom. Often, we call these folks “Legislators” and some are quite open about their disdain for it:
- NH State Rep Laura Pantelakos (D): “I don’t care about protecting peoples’ Liberty“
- NH State Rep John Mann (D): “liberty” is either an ideology or a gross misrepresentation and oversimplification (accidental or otherwise) of what government is for.”
- NH State Rep Cynthia Chase (D): (concerning the Free State Project having chosen NH as their destination state, even as Chase did the same as a R.I. transplant): “What we can do is make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave. One way is to pass measures that will restrict freedoms that they think they will find here.”
(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)