Well, I think we are going to see a lot more of this in the next few weeks in the NH US Senate race as Democrats have far outraised Republicans in the aggregate (inside and outside groups) and it is clear that some of the verbiage in the Democrat campaign ads are derived from the focus efforts of Catalist. Brown got a slight bump after winning the primary (wherein 50% of Republicans rejected him as seen by the overall votes tallies) but since has only led in the race twice and is losing across all polls done in the aggregate. Right now, for all of his vaunted promises that he was the ONLY candidate that was the true anti-Shaheen and the only candidate who could beat Jeanne Shaheen, this trend ain’t looking good for Scott Brown:
Don’t know what Catalist is? Don’t worry – many of the Republicans at the NH GOP annual meeting last Saturday didn’t know what it is either (much to my dismay and a disappointing reminder that campaigning is shifting under their feet and they don’t even realize it). And even when briefly explained what it was, not all of them “got it” as to what a game changer it is. It also shows the tremendous divergent thought lines of who is the important audience(s) are for the final result (hint: the Republicans are actively alienating theirs).
So what is NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn’s answer to this? Remember, one of her three campaign promises for her run
for Chair was that she was going to transform the NH GOP’s technology base. I didn’t see it during the primary – did you? I’m not hearing anything about Jennifer’s promise in terms of concrete set of new technology tools – you? I do wonder, though, if Jennifer (if asked verbally) could spell the Democrats’ shining jewel. After all, it’s only been around for, oh, 10 years or so.
NH Dem Party Chair Ray Buckley has a slice of that. Jennifer, what you got for our candidates? What data are you having our folks collect, categorize, analyze, and disseminate?
Not good, not good at all.
(H/T: Ace of Spades HQ Decision Desk)