[su_quote cite=”Washington Post” url=”http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/landrieu-claims-parents-home-as-her-own-raising-questions-of-louisiana-residency/2014/08/28/423d8552-2e08-11e4-9b98-848790384093_story.html”]NEW ORLEANS — In Washington, Sen. Mary Landrieu lives in a stately, $2.5 million brick manse she and her husband built on Capitol Hill.
Here in Louisiana, however, the Democrat does not have a home of her own. She is registered to vote at a large bungalow in New Orleans that her parents have lived in for many decades, according to a Washington Post review of Landrieu’s federal financial disclosures and local property and voting records. On a statement of candidacy Landrieu filed with the Federal Election Commission in January, she listed her Capitol Hill home as her address. But when qualifying for the ballot in Louisiana last week, she listed the family’s raised-basement home here on South Prieur Street.[/su_quote]
Mary Landreiu shares her Koch money with Shaheen. Shaheen’s ‘A New Direction’ PAC gave Landreiu $10,000.00 (that’s just this year) to kick it old school as a permanent beltway insider whose only claim to Louisiana (other than elected office) is a placeholder in her parents basement.
Shaheen can’t be far behind Landreiu. Our fist term US Senator has already stopped holding Town Halls in New Hampshire. It can’t be long before she and Billy plop down a chunk of their millions on a DC area mansion where petitioners may drop off their tribute.