Part 2 – NH State Senator Dave Boutin: “Will you stop? Will you let him go? Will you stop?”


“Will you stop?  Will you let him go?  Will you stop?”

Those of the words of a patron of a bar beseeching NH State Senator Dave Boutin to stop his drunken rantings over nothing.  It gets worse – NSFW (Not Safe For Work) – Play the video away from young / impressionable children and don’t play it at work (foul language) (sorry, forgot the warning for Part 1).

NH State Senator David Boutin continues to go after two men from across the bar from him simply because two men had been talking to a lady and the lady left.  In his inebriated condition, Dave Boutin gets it in his besotted head that the two men have been uncivil, and then proceeds to show the world what happens when someone verbally (and logically) loses control under the influence.  All of this with judgment that he has the right to publicly and loudly berate these two for something that they have not done:

Again, a short clip just like the previous one.  The reason was that the guy with the cell phone camera took quick shots – he never believed that NH State Senator Dave Boutin was even a NH State Representative (“if you were really a representative in our House, your boys would have gotten you out of here in a hurry“). He kept thinking that Dave Boutin would stop (and relayed that if he had known in advance, he just would have kept it rolling – he couldn’t believe that Dave Boutin just would not stop!).

Well, one has to wonder if Dave Boutin has any boys around – no one came to save him, even as a fine upstanding example of what an NH State Senator should be.  Judgment – was there any displayed by him?  The epitome of reasoned and logical debate:   “All you care about is getting

laid” was Boutin’s response when either of the two men started to say anything (he only repeated it 13 times in just over a minute).  he butted into a situation where:

  •  it was none of his business in the first place
  • he didn’t know what was really going on
  • couldn’t figure out that there wasn’t really a problem
  • couldn’t determine that he was in no position to fix something that wasn’t broken
  • and driving everyone else away

Like many politicians behavior: unneeded, unwanted, obnoxious, and detrimental to the situation that people were sorting out for themselves.  Like voting for Obama’s Medicaid Expansion here in NH.

As before, the only editing to this video was to add the GraniteGrok beginning and end snippets and brighten up the video for visual clarity (no other changes were made).  Another video tomorrow.  Previous video here.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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