“Budget writers did not anticipate that so many people would be added to Medicaid and that is one of the problems facing the department in trying to live within its budget this fiscal year”
NH Rogue Republicans: that would be NH State Senator Chuck Morse, NH State Senator Jeb Bradley, NH State Senator Bob Odell, and NH State Senator Nancy Stiles – funny, reality never seems to match the “Smart Peoples’ Planning”, does it? Easy-Peezy, just pass Obama’s Medicaid Expansion and all will be well, right? After all, the Federal Government is paying for it all – IT’S FREE MONEY (as they would have you believe that the vast majority of NH Taxpayers are not also Federal Taxpayers as well). From Gary Rayno at the UL (reformatted, emphasis mine):
After two years of wrangling, about 10,500 low-income adults began receiving health care insurance Friday under the state’s expanded Medicaid program or the New Hampshire Health Protection Program. State officials believe eventually about 50,000 will have health insurance under the program, that uses the current Medicaid managed care and Health Insurance Premium Payment programs to cover the newly eligible until next year when private insurers through the state’s health exchange will provide the coverage.
Remember, insurance is one thing – actually getting in to see a doctor is another as many are refusing to take new Medicaid patients (if not outright retiring). What a cruel lie these Rogue Republicans have foisted upon the poor. But to that cost:
The federal government will pay 100 percent of the cost for the next two-and-a-half years, if federal officials approve the program, which they have yet to do. “With the coverage beginning today, thousands of hard-working people and families now have the security and peace of mind that they deserve,” said Gov. Hassan. “I am proud that we were able to work across party lines and meet aggressive timelines so that thousands have access to health care coverage starting today, and we anticipate thousands more applying in the coming months.”
Right. Legislation is one thing. Actually working is another – especially when they’ve written a financial time bomb into it:
While the feds are picking up the cost of the newly eligible, the state is going to be paying more for the 11,000 or so who were eligible for Medicaid without expanding eligibility to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. The woodwork effect, meaning people will come out of the woodwork to participate, will increase state Medicaid obligations as it is responsible for 50 percent of the cost.
So with all of the emphasis of the Obamacare proponents in pushing for signups, there’s a “draft effect” (like in car racing) bringing in others along after the first adopters. It was talked about by a lot of folks that it would happen (like us). Free stuff, lower cost to me? Who can resist as the culture of self-responsibility and self-sufficiency has been degraded – “what’s in it for me?” in this Saul Alinsky Have-Have Not redistribution scheme.
Thank you, Rogue Republicans:
Budget writers did not anticipate that so many people would be added to Medicaid and that is one of the problems facing the department in trying to live within its budget this fiscal year.
Boom! And NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn has had little to say about this vast repudiation of the NH GOP Platform. Jr. Lackeys of the Welfare State?
Boom – goes the brand. Throw in the Gas Tax (Republican sponsored) and the NH Senate Republican Incumbent Protection and Racketeering Act (SB120), well, Jennifer Horn, what IS the difference between the Parties when this is most likely result in a broad based tax?
At least the Democrats are honest about limiting Individuals – what’s YOUR Republican excuse, Jennifer?