UPDATE: I forgot this from Instapundit as the setup:
WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KANSAS? The thing is, the NRSC went all-in to deep-six Milt Wolf in favor of doddering nonresident Pat Roberts. Now Roberts faces a “tough re-election fight,” with this observation: “It’s difficult to see how Milton Wolf would have done appreciably worse in this case, and he might have held the Republican base together better.” Especially as the NRSC pissed off — and pissed on — the base in backing Roberts.
When you’ve crapped on the base, don’t expect them, any more, to be good little soldiers and meekly vote for their least worst. Not happening anymore.
Republican Wave? Wave? Wave it good bye? As far as I am concerned, the Establishment Republican wing of the Party has brought it upon themselves – many barrels of pixels have been sacrificed across the blogosphere talking about “this is another 2010 – but bigger!”? I’ve had my doubts – this cycle (at least here in NH) has not felt the same as 2010 when new-people-to-politics worked their butts off to stop the Progressive agenda. Certainly, we have seen the no small amount of “payback” in the form of “who do these newcomers think they are!” from the Elite of the Party after seeing their cozy inbred ways being shattered by, heavens!, people who actually believe in what they said. So the Mitch McConnels, Steve LaTourretes, Karl Roves, and others pulled out the stops MORE against the insurgent TEA Party & Libertarians in Liberty / Freedom wing than their actual rivals, the Democrats. Although remember – by keeping on the harping of hewing to the Platform and rapping the knuckles, the ‘Grok was the one that was accused of electing Democrats….
…oh Wait! It may well be that the Establishment has now created the actual environment that will allow Democrats to win: What’s the matter with Kansas?
Republicans have reason to hope for a wave election in 2014, with Barack Obama’s approval ratings sinking to a six-year floor and Democrats defending several red-state Senate seats. That wave hasn’t washed ashore in Kansas, which one would normally expect to be reliably Republican in the current environment. Republicans even have incumbents running for both the gubernatorial and Senate seats, which should make it an easy hold. According to a new Survey USA poll, though, it looks like both Republican incumbents are in trouble:
Despite primary wins 3 weeks ago for both top-ticket incumbent Kansas Republicans – Governor Sam Brownback and U.S. Senator Pat Roberts – and despite Kansas being a reliably Red State, both Brownback and Roberts face tough re-election fights for the 11/04/14 general election, according to the latest exclusive KSN-TV poll, conducted by SurveyUSA.
In the contest for Governor, the Republican ticket of Brownback and Jeff Colyer continue to trail the Democratic ticket of Paul Davis and Jill Docking, consistent with 2 previous KSN polls conducted before the 08/05/14 primary.
Go read the poll numbers at the link. Milton Wolf was Roberts’ primary opponent and no stop was left undone by the Establishment to keep this old incumbent in the Crony Club and deny Wolf the nomination. Even with that, Wolf did far better than expectations based on what was thrown at him non-stop. And what has it brought? As in Part I and Part II, the question must be asked: battle won but the war now in jeopardy?
I have come to terms that in seeking excellence , I can no longer accept or settle for nor vote for second best or least worst. I have decided that my vote is to be given, it is no longer just because the Party begs – or demands – for it. I expect, nay, demand better. I will no longer settle for a low bar – my vote, about the only remaining privilege and responsibility of American Citizenship, I have now decided, is too valuable to waste on someone that doesn’t warrant it. You want it – EARN IT! If the Party wants me to support them, make me enthusiastic (again) for your Principles that will be carried like a war banner by your nominee. Anything else is low grade. I refuse to settle.
Instead of looking at, and voting from, the top of the ballot and working downward, I will start at the bottom of the ballot and work upward. Those are the races that have the most effect on my life – and the ones in which I can have the most influence before and afterwards (after all, here in NH, I can literally walk down the street and yell at the nincompoop that has exacerbated my angina or slap their back when they’ve put a smile on my face.
Unhappy with politics? Change it – and change them. Get involved. Know the folks that are running in your town, know what they say, what they think – and how they’ve voted. For me, I know them – and will vote accordingly.
Then vote for the NH House – my choices thus far are for Glen Aldritch, Russ Dumais, George Hurt, and Herb Vadney. Don’t have a Champion? Move on – if they haven’t earned it, don’t spend your vote on someone that doesn’t deserve it. Then go to the NH State Senate, then to the US Congress, US Senate, and then Governor.
Remember, change the paradigm: it is not THE PARTY that is in charge – it is you. Let them know that. Demand that they earn it.
And if they don’t – withhold it. No longer let the wail of “But then the Democrats will win!” be persuasive. Instead, think of how THE PARTY representatives have voted in supporting YOUR agenda. And here in NH, the NH Rogue Republicans have not earned ANYTHING thing as they have blithely and happily pushed for and voted for the Democrat agenda items of Obamacare’s Expanded Medicaid, raising the gas tax, and implementing the Democrats’ DISCLOSE Act (aka, the “NH State Senate Republican Incumbency and Racketeering Act” that silences political dissent by making the rules harder to freely associate with others of like minds to assail their bad decisions publicly).
Value yourself and your vote higher than a mere Party. Send them a message, if you feel necessary, that blind obedience is no longer available from you. Remember: winning is only a prerequisite; what is important is what is done afterwards. And this year, I find it loathsome that the Party is only concerned with the win – and this year, failed in the “afterwards”. They have decided that they have come before You.
Change that.