Determined Weakness – Does Obama’s actions surprise ANYONE anymore?


rusty mufflerMore and more I keep having discussions that I NEVER would have believed that I’d be having a lot with folks that I otherwise find to be very sober and sober-minded.  Topics that I would never thought to hear, which in the past would be considered tin-hat conspiracy theories, are coming up more and more.  So why should I be surprised at this post headline that seems to fit right into what seems to be a never ending series of “dense pack” crisis, one leading to the next one in rapid succession:

Obama presides over unraveling of his predecessors’ foreign policy accomplishments

I am a news and politics junkie – I may not be a an expert on any one topic but I think I know more than just a little about quite a bit.  I can’t, for the life of me, think of a single instance, a single area, in which the US is still seen to be trustworthy, a stalwart ally, taking the good side, and doing a good job.  It seems that Obama has the Midas touch – everything in the foreign policy arena is (or has already) turned into a rusty muffler.  NOwhere has there been success unless it is viewed from the lens of Determined Weakness – everything in the Obama Administration’s term has turned Orwellian in that the good is now an ill, virtue is now a vice, encouragement is now a beat down, rugged individualism is now to be seen as anti-social, success is to be diminished, being on the dole lifts one up as High Victimhood, and voluntary association (& the ability to NOT be associated) has been replaced by forced collectivism. 

Viewed from this perspective of Determined Weakness, that the US should and must only be one of many equal countries and that the diminishment of the US (both domestically and internationally) is necessary and just, Obama has had one success after another – why else so much time on the golf course or flying off into the blue for yet another fundraiser?  I am quite sure, come 2017, he’ll look into that Oval Office mirror – and smile broadly.  For his standard of success is different than what passes for the rest of us.

Unraveling – a proper word with the proper meaning for what we have been experiencing.  Go to the article and read, especially the last half to see the 50 odd years of good work that has been blown up.




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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