Remember here, the Leftist activists and the hoi-polloi of the Democrat elite solons (e.g., Reid, Pelosi, and others of the Cultural Marxist (more the Marxist, notably)) that have decried their outrage they have (faux as it is) for any of those “racists” that believes that the Washington Redskins and Chief Wahoo mascot of the Cleveland Indians is racist. So incensed they are, they created what they hoped was a logo that would cause the rest of us (who pretty don’t much care what they are outraged about) to be outraged in reverse.
As the Indiana Jones “Holy Grail” movie said (paraphrased to the plural): “They chose poorly“. Yawn….we don’t see it as a “reverse racism” slap – mostly because we don’t really care. We see it for what it is – mean spirited attempt to make us feel bad or outraged, and with our “consciousness raised”, we’d simply fall into groupthink lockstep. Yet even as they attempt to shame us, they can’t see past their own upturned noses for the hypocriticalness. Oopsies (reformatted and emphasis mine):
…A name entwined – with big money at stake – not only with modern Democrats but current-day America: Andrew Jackson. Yes, that Andrew Jackson. The seventh president of the United States, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. The man whose statue sits directly across from the White House in LaFayette Park, and whose familiar image graces the twenty dollar bill, not to mention a portrait in the White House itself. The man who is seen by historians as the co-founder (with predecessor Thomas Jefferson) of the modern day Democratic Party.
Yes, there is “a rest of the story” connected with the above story:
But alas Jackson is also the man whose military career had him savaging Indians from the Creek Indian War of 1814 to the Florida Seminoles in 1818 – and more. Jackson was directly responsible for an episode in history known as the “Trail of Tears.” As president he championed and signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 which provided for the forcible removal of the Cherokee Nation from its lands in Florida and Georgia. Removing them to lands west of the Mississippi. Some 46,000 Native Americans from five tribes – the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminoles – were forced to leave their native lands during the “removal” , with 4,000 dying along what became known to history as the Trail of Tears. To this day, Andrew Jackson is anathema in the world of Native Americans. Unlike the name of a football team, which by definition is simply a name, Andrew Jackson was not only once solid flesh and blood – he personally is seen in the Native American community as a presidential practitioner of ethnic cleansing and genocide. In the vernacular, as seen here Andrew Jackson is seen by activists as – their words – an “Indian killer.”
And there you have it!
Yet, while they throw invective at all that disagree with them and taunt /shame those (like me) for not demanding along side them that a private company change its name, why aren’t they also showing some self-reflection within their own Party and think “er, shouldn’t we fix us before slamming others”? Don’t they have a sufficient sense of politeness to see the beam in their own eye, in elevating a man who actually lead efforts to kill and diminish an entire people? We hear all the time from the Left that Whites are responsible for genocide and for “stealing” the country from the Indians – yet not even the slightest stir.
Double standard at play here – so remember: if they can hold such cognitive dissonance with nary a shedded tear, holding themselves to be of a higher moral plane than the rest of us to castigate us for a mere name and a cartoon figure, why can’t they hold themselves even MORE accountable for actual deaths?
Nope – that would ruin the narrative. They would have to acknowledge that they are no better than anyone else – which pretty much means they would have to realize their “moral high ground” is like New Orleans (a bowl beneath sea level built next to said sea).
They continue to morally choose poorly.
(H/T: NewBusters)