Andrew Hemingway: “…the New Face of a GOP with a Future?”


“If there is a new, small government versus old big government guard in today’s Republican Party, the NH gubernatorial primary may be just the place to watch them face off.”

Andrew at LFGC for 2nd Amendment RallyNot my words in the title, but the words over at Brietbart’s  Dan Riehl at “The Conversation” (Brietbart now being one of the largest sites on the Right of the Blogosphere”.  “Live Free or Die” where the People should be of more importance then government vs the meme of the tired outdated “Elect us – Republicans can run Big Government more efficiently”.  One advocates for government getting out of the way so you can do what you want for “the Pursuit of Happiness” (Hemingway) while the other (Havenstein) is merely “I make government better”.  Smaller, less intrusive and less bothersome government vs merely rearranging the deck chair on a Titanic that doesn’t realize it has hit the iceberg (“but I’ll keep the lights on!!”).  Asperational Freedom for the little guy and small business, or the traditional Republican politics per usual.  The new vision or the shopworn “process”?

Doesn’t hurt, either, that one of the most respected sites (Right OR Left) RealClearPoltics was quoted as well (emphasis mine):

Is Andrew Hemingway the New Face of a GOP with a Future?

A tech savvy accomplished entrepreneur with one foot in the Tea Party and the other in the so called GOP establishment, having run Newt Gingrich’s New Hampshire campaign in 2012, Andrew Hemingway is making noise in NH’s Republican gubernatorial primary – noise that even some oldsters seem to like, according to Scott Conroy at Real Clear Politics reporting on a recent debate.

For the record, at age 32, Hemingway has already launched and sold a successful tech company or two and, if elected, would be the same age Bill Clinton was when he first took the reins as Governor in Arkansas.

(Hemingway’s) respectful manner hit home with several of the attendees, all of whom appeared old enough to collect Social Security retirement benefits and none of whom expressed any reservations about Hemingway’s age when asked about it in post-event interviews.

Amanda Bebard of nearby Wolfeboro cited a recent encounter with a young physician as a reason she is inclined to give Hemingway a chance.

“I just had a man cut a bone out in my hip and put a new hip in, and when I first saw him, he looked younger than my high school students,” she said with a laugh. “But you know what, I was up and walking in two days, so why would I hold youth against anybody? I was a child of the ’60s.”

In an interview with Breitbart News, Hemingway seems as serious about what one might call his Libertarian/Conservative political beliefs, as he is candid in discussing the race for the Republican gubernatorial nomination.

When asked why NJ Gov and RGA head Chris Christie backed his opponent, Walt Havenstein, he dismissed it as GOP establishment politics as usual, citing Havenstein’s ability to help Christie with deep pocketed donors should he opt to run for President in 2016. While accomplished, Havenstein, a self-described pro-choice moderate Republican – and some would say now carpetbagger – does seem vulnerable, to say the least.

According to his Wiki, Havenstein “describes himself as a pro-choice moderate. His decision to enter the GOP gubernatorial race was met with controversy, there being a question of his eligibility (by virtue of his having lived and worked primarily in Maryland and metropolitan Washington, DC while claiming Alton, New Hampshire as his domicile). The issue was resolved in his favor by election officials. Formerly, he served as president & CEO of Science Applications International Corporation until his retirement in June of 2012; Havenstein’s departure as SAIC’s CEO followed shortly the announcement of the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York that more than $466 million had been forfeited to the government by SAIC in connection with his office’s investigation into fraud and kickbacks on a project for NYC undertaken by SAIC as lead contractor. On May 25, 2012, US Attorney Preet Bharara described the payment as part of a deferred prosecution agreement with SAIC, to compensate the City of New York for the “colossal fraud” perpetrated by SAIC, also noting that it is the largest ever financial recovery in a state or municipal fraud case, in United States history.”

If there is a new, small government versus old big government guard in today’s Republican Party, the NH gubernatorial primary may be just the place to watch them face off. New Hampshire’s state motto, “Live free or die” isn’t just a slogan, “it’s a principle,” insists Hemingway. “New Hampshire is heading the wrong way because of big government,” he continued.

Hemingway calls himself “a problem solver” and claims his grassroots campaign is seeing “a dramatic amount of support.”

With his ardent small-government views and outsider bona fides, Hemingway brings a distinctive perspective to the governor’s race here. And as a candidate born during the Reagan administration, he is offering a glimpse at how a new generation of political contenders may soon be campaigning with a different mindset than the one that often prevented their predecessors from saying much of anything interesting. “I’m the first millennial to run for governor in the country….”

 …Whatever the outcome of the primary, or Hemingway’s own chosen path going forward, the thought of a young, innovative, genuinely tech savvy GOP that’s also earnest in its commitment to a small government, liberty-embracing philosophy is sure to warm some old conservative hearts.

The NH GOP has oft said that it has to change – that it has to attract younger voters.  So Andrew Hemingway steps up – smart, tech savvy, has put in the time politically and has a vision for the future.  So, what does the NH GOP?

Brings in a total outsider that immediately pisses off the Conservative base with his no apology for his TEAbagger comment.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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