OK, I have to admit – it’s a bit entertaining, so why not have some fun? But this week, I’m just gonna go after a few of the Pindell questions / observations:
If the male Guardian reporter was really dedicated to getting an answer to his question, then why didn’t he just follow Brown and his staffer into the bathroom?
Maybe the journos would love to see that happen, but then again, that shows the class of the entire class. Still doesn’t devolve Brown for wearing the Political Coward award.
Why wasn’t there pressure for Brad Cook to recuse himself from the Ballot Law Commission’s question on Walt Havenstein’s residency when he himself wanted to run for governor against Maggie Hassan?
I really think the answer is rather simple by simply asking a return question: Is Cook actually running? Has he been campaigning? Nope. So why recuse even if there was idle chatter that he would?
Does everyone understand that if Attorney General Joe Foster rules in favor of Hassan on campaign contributions that New Hampshire essentially comes Texas without any real campaign finance rules?
I really do hope so – serves the Rogue Republicans right for trying to regulate away the entire reason for the First Amendment – that of political speech. Again, go back at our Foundation and it was all about the anonymous pamphleteers. They drove the “Establishment” (such as they were) absolutely crazy. And here in NH, they are doing it again (Bravo and Brava, whichever fits!). It is also one reason why I allow for anonymous commenting and posting here on the ‘Grok – there are some folks that have good stuff to say but for one reason or another, fear retribution from others.
What is so hard to understand that – do the Rogue Republicans (again, doing the dirty work of the Democrats’ micro-DISCLOSE Act) wish to serve up some retribution?
Before this past week, when was the last time you blushed when you read about people in New Hampshire politics?
I think it was about talk about a certain Republican Governor that quickly and quietly “retired”. That was more than a handful of years now.
When will NH Rebellion hold a walk from Exeter to Concord to protest $25,000 donations to campaigns for governor?
‘Bout the same time that the peaceniks and war protesters start their continual rampages again – when a Republican holds the office of ire. Which really means that the NH Rebellion seems to be a creature of the Left. However, if they wish to prove me wrong, email me and come on GrokTALK! to explain how I’m wrong.
Will immigration emerge as a bigger issue than even the Affordable Care Act this fall?
If Halbig vs Burwell (where the IRS decided, on its own that it could give out tax credits in all states even as the Law says it can’t) goes against the Government, Obamacare will be toast and in the trash and gone. And the way it looks, tons more illegal alien kids will still be streaming in and it will be a BIG issue on the Right (as in The Rule of Law vs new Democrat voters and redistribution of even more wealth – just listen to the mayor of Lynn, MA if you doubt me)
If Carol Shea-Porter loses this fall will 2016 feature another Frank Guinta versus Shea-Porter contest?
Yeah, its personal – she hates him and it will just be the continuation of the grudge match.
Has Walt Havenstein taken a position on Northern Pass yet? (His campaign did not answer my question this week.)
Good question – and I don’t know. I will give Havenstein this – doubtful he’ll go running to the head to hide like Scott Brown did.
Is the number one question for Dan Innis now simply whether Peter Paul will live up to his pledge to fully fund a SuperPAC supporting him? (If so, will NH Rebellion walk around Innis’s hotel several times to protest this?)
Perhaps. But given that NH Rebellion is a creature of the Left, do they have a chutzpah to protest against a Democrat identity protected identity victim class (“DIPIVC”) member? Or does the Republican label wash that all away? Double standard, those lefties – only when it helps THEM is the DIPIVC used.