From Jonah Goldberg:
The notion that denying a subsidy for a product is equivalent to banning that product is one of the odder tenets of contemporary liberalism.
Not only that but that Liberals, having lost in the Arena of Ideas and failed to make their case to voluntarily persuade companies provide benefits strictly tailored to Liberal beliefs, are more than willing to use not just the Legislative force of Government to make people bow to their ideology but also the Administrative State (mere regulation).
One this day, Independence Day (rather than just “the 4th of July”) and in light of the Hobby Lobby decision, we once again got a large dose that Progressive have a completely different (and pernicious) view of “Freedom”. Instead of the Founding Fathers idea of Freedom which is freedom from intrusion by Government into Individual Rights:
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
knowing that tyranny comes from an overly intrusive government, Progressives take the flip side. Freedom can only be achieved when needs are first met. FDR’s second Bill of Rights expressed it well – the Freedom of Want and that only an aggressive, large, and commanding Government can make this happen.
And if that activist Government tramples the Individual Rights of others in takings to provide that Freedom from Want, well, who needs the Founding Fathers? And as we have seen from Liberal / Progressives, they have done all they can to demonize the Founding Fathers as hardily as the have the TEA Party (one of whose main Principles is that of a return to a Constitutionally limited Government), it is clear that Independence Day should be Dependence Day.
Boiled down, this wailing by the Left about the Hobby Lobby decision IS merely one of “What, we can’t FORCE some to give to others?” And nothing says Independence like depending on handouts from others. Even if costs only $10 / month for most.
$10 – such a reason to subvert, in practice, those eternal and priceless values whose recognition we celebrate this Independence Day – but such is the value of Progressives.