Erstwhile 2016 Democrat Prez Candidate thanks Establishment Republicans for doing Democrats’ dirty work


#fossilizedhagIrony; Hillary Clinton thanks the Jr. Partners of the Democrat Party for doing the Democrats’ dirty work.  She knows EXACTLY – and GOP Establishment wing of the GOP can’t deny it as they made big deals of what they were going to do to Conservative and TEA Party candidates.  And more than a few cases (Thad Cochran / Haley Barbour insinuating that Chris McDaniel was KKK material, Walt Havenstein and the teabagger comment apology refusal), have openly and publicly acted like Democrats in their campaigns (and no, Carol Shea-Porter has never apologized for using the teabagger slur either).  Will this be a moment of sober reflection by the GOP (do they care that they are killing the wing of the Party that the Democrats fear most?), continue to earn the moniker “The Stupid Party”, or finally admit that the elites in both Parties are just the same in goals (e.g., both want open borders – one advocates for it and the other keeps avoiding real actions to secure it – just ask Kelly Ayotte who was first against it before she was then for Amnesty).

Hillary Clinton thanked the Republican establishment and its big business allies for taking on the Tea Party and defeating conservative candidates like Chris McDaniel in Mississippi’s June runoff.

In a Thursday interview with Charlie Rose on PBS, Clinton said tea partiers and conservatives needed to be reined in. And she said it was about time the GOP establishment got a “wake-up call from the big business wing” that wants to continue the bipartisan big government policies that have made Washington, D.C.’s suburbs the country’s wealthiest “boomtown.”  “Finally, the Republican establishment and their business supporters have woken up,” Clinton said, noting that she tells audiences, “Don’t vote for anyone who refuses to compromise.” 

Rose said that the Tea Party conservatives are more powerful now than when her husband was president, but Clinton said when big business interests pour millions into races, conservatives can be defeated, as the Cochran race showed.

With the help of big checks from establishment interests and liberal high-tech moguls like Napster co-founder Sean Parker, who donated $350,000, Cochran allies courted black Democrats and liberal union to get more votes than McDaniel. They aired commercials that smeared conservatives as racists who were intent on taking away welfare payments and funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities to turn out black Democrats for Cochran in the GOP runoff. Cochran allies may have even passed out “walking around money.”

The Chamber of Commerce, which has vowed to spend at least $50 million against Tea Party candidates and those who oppose amnesty legislation, and Karl Rove’s American Crossroads, have also emphasized their desire to defeat conservative candidates, much to Clinton’s delight.

Much to Clinton’s delight” – how’s that feel, NH GOP?  Are you really doing the right things if one of the leading Democrats in the country is THANKING YOU ALL??

Compromise – a key issue for Hillary because she KNOWS that any compromise eventually means a plus for moving the Democrat agenda further to the Left.  And she lets the cat out of the bag with “that wants to continue the bipartisan big government policies” – just imagine what she’d say to the NH Rogue Republicans (NH State Senator Chuck Morse, NH State Senator Jeb Bradley, NH State Senator Nancy Stiles, and NH State Senator Bob Odell who ramrodded Obamacare’s (re: HillaryCare) Medicaid Expansion here in NH).

Yup, it should be a source of great pride, there “fellow” Republicans – to be complemented by the likes of a Democrat that is totally opposed to the Republican Platform simply because they oppose those that actually DO appreciate, defend, and govern by the Platform Principles?

Do you think they’ll understand the irony in this?




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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