Congolese Refugee Resettlement & Dover City Council “…where…citizens demand answers…”


“…but they won’t move them to new communities where its citizens demand answers to the all important questions

BREAKING – I got a little birdie singing in my ear that the planned meeting with the Dover City Council has been called off: “…GraniteGrok has moved the needle again“.  From my earlier post comes the above line from Refugee Resettlement Watch – now we know it is true.  Which also means that, once again, when ordinary citizens shine big powerful Flashlights on a concern that they feel is wrong, they can accomplish EXTRAordinary results.  Flip that around – isn’t rather sad that our Elites, our own Government, feels that they must sneak around in the dark corners and hallways of our country to do things.

Sidenote: Wasn’t it President Obama who proclaimed that HIS Administration would be the most open and transparent EVAH??  Guess that got “fundamentally transformed” as well, huh?

Seagull poopAnyways, this is just BREAKING – we are awaiting more confirmation on this news.  It also seems that I was right about “formerly called a charity now a mere Social Services Organization” being involved with this.  According to the birdie, it may well be the Lutheran Social Services bunch out of MA – I call them a “Seagull  Group” (patterned after that old joke about consultants – like SAIC) as they fly in, drop a load, and then fly away.  They do this, “with loving hearts”, with people – drop them in, use the Fed money, and when that dries up, fly away and leave it up to the locals to clean up their mess afterwards.

And no, I do not consider this “charitable service” for that would mean using their own money, or pleading citizens for funding (instead of just grubbing for their tax monies from politicians and bureaucrats).  It would also mean that every single one of them would be housing a refugee family in their own home – instead of the Progressive way of pounding their own chests (the Pharisees that they are) but forcing others to do the work or make the sacrifices.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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