New Hampshire’s Democrat women are huge fans of the impeached perjurer and accused rapist Bill Clinton.
I’m sure they console their conflicted feminist hearts by telling themselves those days are past. Or, more likely, that they are untrue, part of the vast right wing conspiracy, or some historical revisionist plot to smear their Democrat White Knight.
Well, according to a new book by Ronald Kessler, due Aug. 5 from Crown Forum, “The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents,” Bill has a mistress who shows up, sometimes right after Hillary leaves the house.
Bill Clinton reportedly has a buxom blond mistress who visits so often when Hillary Clinton isn’t home in Chappaqua that the former president’s Secret Service detail have given her an unofficial code name: Energizer.
The book, portions of which I’ve obtained, says none of the normal protocols are followed when Energizer arrives in her SUV, sometimes just minutes after Hillary has left the Westchester house.
Kessler quotes a supervisor informing a new agent: “You don’t stop her, you don’t approach her, you just let her go in.”
This same Mr. Clinton endorsed Maggie Cilley Hassan for Governor of New Hampshire back in 2012, so we have to ask how she feels about this mistress thing?
Married man, former head of state whose wife was/has/is/could be a presidential candidate, engaging in an extended series of infidelities, and who retains a buxom blond mistress, a literal liberal beck and call girl, that shows up at Hillary’s house, to do whatever it “is” Bill defines “is” as, in Hillary’s bathroom, on her carpets, the chiffonier, the fauteuil, (assorted desks, tables) and so on. Maybe they should have just nicknamed her bills Big toe?
And now that I think about it, I bet Bill suggested the book and the book tour, and even came up with the PAC and the slogan ‘Ready for Hillary’ for his Cuckquean wife; to keep her out of the house. “I’m Ready for Hillary…to be away. Often.”
“Hey Baby. I’ve got the cigars and the blue dress. How fast can you get here?”
Marriage redefined by the Clinton’s.
Leadership redefined by progressive women who are hypocrites when it comes to Democrat men.
Why are they never called out for this, except on right wing blogs like this?
If Governor Hassan’s “loving’ husband had some breast-enhanced blond showing up at the family home the minute she jets off on a trade mission to Turkey, which has seen its rights for women….in decline…for years but, somehow, that wasn’t really an issue….That’s just an example. The blond could show up while the Governor was meeting union bosses from the IBEW 2320 about changing her mind on Northern Pass so they could cash in. Whatever. Would that be news worthy? Might that shake the pillars of Democrat Feminism? How about if he was cheating on her with a guy? Anything?
The point is, that if Bill O’Brien, or Chuck Morse, or Scott Brown, or Frank Guinta had some blond sex kitten on speed dial, or the spouse of a prominent political Republican figure in or around the state was demonstrably incapable of fidelity, this would be bad politically for the politician, or anyone who defended them.
Clinton’s got a blonde bombshell showing up at the home he shares with his wife before his wife is even “wheels up.”
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!
Don’t you think this has to be about Character.
If your “girlfriends” husband is hooking up with someone other than you, you probably have to tell her, right?
Once it is public knowledge, there are social consequences. People of character, people with principles, understand this.
These Clinton adoring (or merely tolerating) Democrat women must not have any character or principles and they lack it to such a degree that it must impact how they approach governing. Governing with your rights and your money. And they need to explain themselves.
No one is asking for saints or angels, but gimme a break. Bill Clinton is a cheating dirt bag and if any of these so called enlightened Democrat women expect to be taken seriously, they need to stop bending the knee every time he comes to “town”–and that goes for his clown wife as well.
And as for Hillary…anyone ever think to ask, “who’d she let ‘cheat on us’ if she were President?”