Russia Sends Tanks Into Ukraine, No Sign of Obama


Reset indeed. Russia sends tanks into Ukraine.  From The New York Times:

DONETSK, Ukraine — The State Department said Friday that Russia had sent tanks and other heavy weapons to separatists in Ukraine, supporting accusations Thursday by the Ukrainian government.

The failure of this White House is so pungent it’s nauseating.  I cannot recall a more flaccid and impotent leader of any country in history as this bungler.  Sure, there have been well-wishing wimps, Chamberlain comes to mind, but never before has a leader of such a once powerful country been written off as irrelevant as this one.  Terrorists flags fly on buildings American troops built in Iraq, Putin rolls tanks into Ukraine with a yawn, Assad still doing what he has been doing and can barely see Obungler’s red line in his rear view mirror.

This latest thrust comes on the tail of him trading 5 terrorist generals for a potential deserter.  Think that’s unrelated to the geopolitical moves this week?  Dream on.  He came off as a fool—an exceedingly dumb one at that.  The celebratory Rose Garden dance gave many the same gut cringing feeling they get when they watch their upper middle-aged parents doing the disco in front of their friends.  That type of embarrasement.  Good Lord, how much can we take? We still have two years left of this walking buffoon.  What next, children of poor pathetic countries invading our borders without recourse? Oh…wait…nevermind.


He is ineffectual, impotent thus irrelevant. Prediction: China will make a move soon. I mean why not join the parade.  Times like these make Taiwan seem really delectable.

I’ve been thinking about the “denier” claim the left uses for right wing unpersuaded rubes like me with regards to the globalony climate change/global warming or whatever term it is now.  And I think the term Denier applies more to them than anyone else (more on that to come).  Especially those Obozo psycophants (the “p” in the spelling is intentional).  They cling to their delusional idea that leader is competent, denying the many (too many) failures that accompany his foot prints on the trail of his pursuits.

Skip believes that the bungler is driven by “Determined Weakness“, and I believe that to a point.  But he wanted to succeed on this latest trip the Bungler took with the terrorists trade.  He wanted to look like he knew what he was doing and it blew up in his face like so many other exploding cigars before.  The stuff he actually wants to do to help the country, really help it succeed, fails also.

The red line for Assad he drew with serious boastfullness and intent.  He wanted it to work.  And what happened?  Putin called Bullsh*t.  And it blew up in his face, that was not determined weakness that was the expected results that come from arrogant self-congratulatory blindness. Or paraphrasing something he once said of himself that he believes his own bullsh*t.  Turns out, other leaders on the world stage don’t and see him for what he is a hollow, mountebank.  A charlatan.

This is what’s infuriating about the “leadership” in Congress.  And one of the reasons I believe Cantor had his hat handed to him.  He couldn’t see the BS as BS and was inneffecutal about stopping the spewer.   The Determined Weakness does account for the massive expanse of the administrative state, the unaccountable bureaucratic 4th branch of government. He successful at that no doubt, but beyond that, in the real world, one several F words come to mind: Flaccid, Folly… Failure.

Happy Father’s Day


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