Jimmy Carter no longer has to worry about being called the Worst US President EVAH anymore. His term was marked by incompetence of the overly micro-management and a naïvety concerning the relationships between the US and our enemies (the Soviet Union, Iranian Mullahs). Obama? I’ve waffled back and forth between that and what I’ve called Determined Weakness. I finally made a decision:
- Dissing our history
- Dissing our military
- Gutting our military
- Throwing the healthcare industry into chaos
- Financially ruining the country for years to come be putting our national debt on steroids
- Our enemies mock us and no longer fear us
- Our allies no longer trust us or believe Obama and are pulling away
- He is killing off the insurance marketplace
- He is killing off the coal industry
- He is starting to make efforts to strangle fracking
- He continues the alphabet soup of Federal agencies to spy on citizens
- He has been shredding the Constitution since Day One
- He shows disdain for The Rule of Law – causing the rest of us to no longer trust in it as well
- Replacing the traditional American work ethic with an entitlement mentality
- He has inflamed racial tensions instead of reducing them
- Dismissive of peoples needs, elevates environmentalism instead (Yay bait fish, boo to California farmers)
- Thrown away billions pursuing stupid Green energy venture capitalism
- Threw away $1 Trillion in stimulus money – but his cronies got rich
- Worst manager of the economy (if Presidents are such) EVAH with record lows of labor participation rates
- He has weaponized the IRS against his political opposition – Banana Republicism all around
- Has allowed the EPA to go further out of control (and now acting like the IRS treatment of Obama’s & Big Government opposition)
- Giving away a shining jewel of American brains and industry – control of the Internet
I bet I’ve missed a few.
Yes, he wanted to fundamentally transform the US – that it should be no better than any other country AT BEST and if it is worse off after his tenure, well, so much the better. Determined Weakness – yes, from the get go. One can’t be that incompetent at being incompetent and achieve all of the above. He and his co-sojourners and sycophants hate America for sins they alone imagine. Our kids and their kids will suffer for decades for the wrongs they have done.